Training Archives - While Studying Learning Beyond the Classroom Sat, 06 May 2023 12:03:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Training Archives - While Studying 32 32 How While Study ING Can Help Students Over-Come Their Financial Issues? Mon, 06 Jul 2020 17:59:41 +0000 With all the pressure from their peers and the college professors, they often find it hard to cope with the

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With all the pressure from their peers and the college professors, they often find it hard to cope with the financial issues and end up dropping out, which puts a dent in their careers. So the major question here is how, as a student, you can start your career while studying to self-support yourself and manage your finances?

College expenses are reaching sky high day by day. Even with the part-time jobs throughout the semester or full-time jobs during the summer breaks, students are still unable to pay for their college tuition fees and other extra-circular expenses.

Students Over-Come Their Financial Issues

Before we jump into the solution to the problem, you first need to understand why college students are broke in today’s time. Once you know the root cause of the problem, you can quickly figure out a solution. So here are the significant reasons which suggest why college students these days are going through financial issues;

  • Tuition fees for colleges worldwide are increasing day by day, and parents are finding it hard to pay for colleges due to which students end up with student loans.
  • Apart from the tuition fee, accommodation expense is the biggest out of all the rest. Colleges recently have upgraded their dorm rooms to in-suite dorms, which cost way more than before, mainly if you include the food charges.
  • The tuition fee is never enough. There are a ton of other recreational and extra-circular expenses that blow your expense sheet out of proportion.
  • Studies have become more complicated, and students cannot focus on their studies with part-time jobs due to which they end up leaving their jobs.
  • To cope with their studies, they tend to indulge in drugs and other non-study-related activities, which diverts their attention and costs them extra.
  • The lack of time management leaves them with neither money nor a college degree – just a waste of their time and effort.

How While Study ING Can Help?

Now back to the important question, how can students overcome their financial issues? Well, While studying ING is the answer to all your problems. It is a one-stop resource that helps provide the required information that students worldwide need to excel at their studies and start their careers or business in the most effective ways possible.

The professionals at While Study ING understand that college life isn’t about getting a degree or making friends. It is more than that. It is the pit stop between you and your career – no matter which profession you wish to choose. After college, the real trouble begins when only a handful of college students get relevant jobs while the rest are left with NOTHING!

You want to be one of those handfuls of people who get selected for job interviews and land their dream job or start their business empire at a young age. While Study ING is here to help you provide with all that you need to become one of the success stories in the world. Here is how we can help you achieve your career goal;

Give Out Advice

We all go to college to become something. But the primary question is, what do you wish to become? Most college students can’t answer this question as they are confused about which career path to choose. This is where we come in and help you align your likes and dislikes with your educational background to find the most suitable career path and guide you towards success.

Help Land A Job

Landing your dream job is much easier said than done. The job market is fiercely competitive. Your one mistake can put you way back in the line. So it would help if you prepare from the start. Whether you are just in high school, you can get our services, and we will put you in different additional classes that will help you stand out from the rest of the applicants when applying for a job.

Help Start A Business

Why wait until the end of your degree to start a business when you start one right away? Things don’t always have to be huge. Today, all the business giants started small, mostly from their garages, so why can’t you do the same? Our team of experts will expose you to the best resources for college students like you who wish to start their business immediately to cater to their financial needs.

Help Learn Additional Skills

Your degree alone isn’t going to get you anywhere these days. All your batch mates have the same degree, which do you think makes you better than them? Nothing at present! But we help you get access to additional training classes that will help enhance your CV and make you a better student, entrepreneur, or employee.

Help Manage Your Finances

As a college student, someone at your school will most probably help you out with your studies, but no one ever teaches you how to manage your finances. When you move out of your home, you are mostly self-dependent, so you need to cater to your finances on your own. If you don’t know-how, then our team of accountants will help you figure out your student loans, payment plans, and even your day to day finances.

Access to Discounted Students Deals

We here at While Study understand the need for discounted deals as a student. Our analysts and researchers are always crawling the web to round up the best deals for you so you don’t have to pay extra, which you can save extra!

Help with suitable accommodation

The first year of college is fun because you get to enjoy the college dorms and don’t have to go through the hassle of finding your place. But later on, you need to look for private accommodation nearby, which can be a daunting experience. We help locate the best of the best residential units around your school and help you settle in nicely.

Why Should You Start Earning As A Student?

Most students believe that college life is only for studies, and if they focus their attention elsewhere, they would lose the race and won’t be able to secure their dream job. What they don’t understand is that even though working while studying can have a minor effect on your concentration but also comes with several perks such as;

  • Helps pay back your student loans
  • Meet your financial needs
  • Kick-start your career before others

And research shows that time management is a crucial issue here. If you manage your time right, you can cater to both your studies and your career at the same time without having any adverse effects on either. Start a business or get on the path to secure your dream job right away with ‘While Study’ at your side.


‘While Study ING’ is a student-centric establishment that understands the fierce competition in the market that college students have to face after completing their degree. Colleges don’t prepare students for that, which is why we do.

Our team of professionals and experts provide a wide range of services to students worldwide to help better their student lives, studies, and future career options. With us at your side, you can start your career immediately and cater to all your financial issues with the perfect support system.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

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Make over $500 from your dorm with Just Your Voice Tue, 23 Jun 2020 16:58:56 +0000 The future they state lies with the young people, and the adolescents in our present reality are for the most

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The future they state lies with the young people, and the adolescents in our present reality are for the most part comprised of understudies; be it those in secondary school, school, or college.

As we all know, students are very much open to opportunities, ideas, and many more. They have this energy that keeps them active, agile, and ready to learn, and also to try out new things. But as active as they can be, the majority of them easily get cold once faced with certain obstacles, which of course lack of sufficient money/funds is top on the list.

According to statistics collated from the results of several trusted surveys, some of these prominent obstacles are;

  • About 60 percent of students run out of money before the end of every semester.
  • The majority of students show interest in learning new things and even pursuing new careers outside their course of study, but lack of funds and fear of how to balance things properly make them back out.
  • Most students have to wait till they are done with four years of study or above in colleges and universities before they are able to get well-paying jobs, while a high percentage of them still don’t end up with the so-called well-paying jobs.

While these pointed out hurdles seem so huge and unavoidable, it’s incredible to know that one of the factors that can serve as a solution to it all is a feature virtually every human being possesses, and make use of every day; “YOUR VOICE.”

That sounds ridiculous, right? Well, it’s a gold mine that many students are sitting and have actually been sitting on for so long, mostly due to ignorance. Now is the time for students to start digging up this gold because it can’t dig itself up.

Okay, let’s go more into detail. “THE VOICE” can be trained and transformed into a skill, which would be used as a channel to drive lots of money on a daily basis. Simply with their “VOICES”, students can make a good amount of money, depending on their skill levels, and tasks to be worked on.

How Much Money Can I Make with My Voice for Each Job

I know you’re excited about this, but first of all, you need to understand that the pay varies for several projects. You definitely don’t expect to be paid the same amount for a voice-over on a 2 minutes video, and on an hour’s video.

Now, let’s dive right into it, as we take a look at how much money industry experts make as Voice-Over artists;

  • For Local Radio Commercials: as you know, most radio commercials range from about 30 seconds to 1 minute. For that, you can expect to earn about $100 and above.
  • National TV Commercials: National TV commercials pay more than radio commercials, but they are still at good rates and don’t forget that the workload for each of them is different. For national TV commercials, you can earn anything from $10,000 upwards. Awesome right?
  • Audiobook Narration: I’m sure you as a student reading this, you’ve one time or the other listened to audiobooks, and if you haven’t, you would most likely have friends that do. Well, voice-over artistes specialized in converting written books to audio versions, make nothing less than $200 to $300 per hour of recording.

Most books when recorded as audio fall within the range of 4 hours, and that’s about $800 to $1,200 for recording one book.

Animations and Cartoons:

This particular niche is very lucrative. For as low as a 15seconds video, you can expect to earn about $100, and if you get to be in any way affiliated to the major act or character, you are sure to earn anything from $10,000 upwards.

I’m sure with all you’ve read so far, you can see how useful your voice can be. With such a tool, imagine how much money students would be able to make on a weekly and even a monthly basis, and the best part is that all these can be done directly from a student’s dorm, without interfering with the studies of such a student.

Now you see why we called it a Gold Mine earlier. That student could be you reading this, and While Study ING is here to provide you with all that’s needed to make it easy for you.

If you are a student and you want to take advantage of this gold mine, then Part 2 of this article is for you, in this series entitled; How to Makeover $500 from your Dorm with just your Voice Part II. In it, you would get to know about ideas to help you get started on this money-making path, several platforms where all you need is your voice to start making money, their requirements for registration, and many more. All that information is simply just a click away.

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Can you become a data scientist without a university education? Mon, 22 Jun 2020 05:44:56 +0000 Getting a degree seems a difficult task since it requires time, effort, money, and resources to use for a number

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Getting a degree seems a difficult task since it requires time, effort, money, and resources to use for a number of years. Average cost of a university education is increasing year over year. While being a student, we often ask if it is possible to become a professional and get a job even without obtaining a degree. The truth of the matter is that it is possible to develop marketable skills without getting a formal university degree. The best part is that you can do all of this while studying.

If you are interested in mathematic ,statistics  or love to analyze data patterns and business models, then you might as well become a data scientist. But, do you need a degree for this particular field of study? After all, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg were college dropouts but became ultimately successful in the tech industry. The answer is not entirely.

How to learn data science?

Proper training is the foundation of becoming a qualified data scientist, but this does not always imply that you should graduate with a degree related to this field. It only suggests that you have to search for ways to get skills to become one. Lucky for you, we have outlined these ways to save you some time and make a decision later on.

Data science is a combination of computer engineering, big data, statistics, business, data mining, and machine learning. It does not mean, however, that you should be an expert in all of these fields.

Rather, becoming a data scientist is about being able to connect these fields to optimize business data and get rid of inefficiencies. Thus, you should learn a lot of methodologies, processes, and techniques, as well as business vision and action.

The current salary range of an entry-level data scientist is estimated to be $80,000-$95,000 annually.

This rate can grow as high as $250,000 annually for experienced manager-level professionals. Experience is considered the most crucial factor in a data scientist’s salary, which is why it is important for you to obtain skills in new data science programs that are now offered online.

There are thousands of opportunities to study data science online. Most are provided by Edureka, Coursera, Codecademy, and edX which are online platforms that offer free data science courses taught by well-known professionals, universities, and corporations. Aside from these platforms, companies also share similar features. Some of these companies are Microsoft through their Microsoft Learn program, IBM Data Science Professional Certificate in Coursera, and SAS Data Science Certification in SAS Academy.

Data science programs generally take less time to earn a certification, usually around 6 months — much better than a 4-year undergraduate course. They also cost little or nothing at all, freeing you from big college loans. What’s also substantial about these programs is that many industries will accept you for a job as long as you have certifications. These certifications are only achieved if you finish classes that mostly require working on real-world projects and rigorous course training to really sharpen your skills.

While it looks easy to enroll in data science programs online, you still have to educate yourself about fundamental skills like algorithm design, computational complexity, software and programming languages, and distributed architecture.

A career path for the majority of entry-level data scientists is by being an independent consultant. As a consultant, you have to be knowledgeable about deep domains, programming, and basic presentation skills. You should know how to give value, how to analyze sales lift, and how to organize a consulting project.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

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From Where You Can Find Free Online Courses For Students? Sun, 14 Jun 2020 14:18:13 +0000 Feeling unproductive, useless, and exhausted lately? Stressed that you may be missing out on some important skills while studying as

The post From Where You Can Find Free Online Courses For Students? appeared first on While Studying.

Feeling unproductive, useless, and exhausted lately? Stressed that you may be missing out on some important skills while studying as a student? Worry not, there are free online courses that you can enroll and learn online.

Around 3,800 courses are being offered by Coursera with full access to resources from prestigious universities and companies around the world. However, this is only for a limited-time offer. Enroll in 90% of their courses for free by July 31, 2020, and complete them by September 30, 2020.

why do you have to enroll in Courses?

Top universities such as Stanford, Penn, Yale, Michigan, Georgia Tech, Duke, Caltech, and more are partnering up with Coursera to bring the best experience in teaching students beyond their usual classroom setting. These are taught by well-known and excellent professors in their respective fields.

Not only that, companies like IBM and Google are also part of those who offer these free courses, which means you will have a background of the inner workings of a company. Courses from these universities and companies will teach you practical skills with applicability to real jobs after you graduate.

If you are currently looking for options to build skills in subjects like data science, language learning, public health, computer science, machine learning, and others, then Coursera is for you. You may come from a course that is not related to the few mentioned and want to learn them to expand your knowledge. Coursera provides you with the latest job-ready skills and techniques you have always wanted. Their courses are offered in different languages, so you have the flexibility of learning at your own tongue and pace.

Along with the new knowledge and skills you will get, you will also be given hands-on projects and assignments that will help you build your portfolio. This can be used when applying for a job and have the advantage of being hired.

Lectures, videos, readings, and other resources are also available to further expand your understanding of a course. You can fully access them at your own time, so be sure to enroll early before this offer ends.

Once you finish your Free Online Courses, you have the option to pay for certification.

Certificates on Coursera help you prepare for your potential career and establish your resume for work experience. You can also add your electronic Certificate to your LinkedIn profile to start your engagement with professionals and have access to new insights and opportunities for your prospective career.

So, what are you waiting for? Time is ticking before this limited-time offer expires on July 31, 2020. Expand your knowledge and enroll now!

We, at, help students with access to information and resources on how to achieve other things while studying.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

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How you can get an Ivy League Education without formally enrolling in an Ivy League School? A complete guide. Tue, 09 Jun 2020 20:48:04 +0000 Long gone are the days when you expected to pay a huge amount of dollars to get Ivy League training.

The post How you can get an Ivy League Education without formally enrolling in an Ivy League School? A complete guide. appeared first on While Studying.

Long gone are the days when you expected to pay a huge amount of dollars to get Ivy League training. Today you have the chance to receive the rewards of an Ivy League Institution in the palm of your hands.

The term “Ivy League” was coined in 1954, when the NCAA athletic conference for Division I was formed. So in reality, the “Ivy League” was just a name given to the athletic teams of these 8 prestigious schools. All 8 of these schools are ranked at the top of the World University


These schools (Brown, Cornell, Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale), now offer free online courses for students all over the world. Courses are primarily designed for students who are either in college or are in the sophomore or junior and senior years of high school.

You can learn from a Harvard professor, at the comfort of your home, how to write code for applications and websites. You can explore your childhood passion for space, by taking a course on astrophysics and cosmology.

You could even throw yourself into something completely new and unknown such as film writing, and come out with a newfound passion. Harvard and Yale, two of the highest-ranked universities in the world, offer free courses on their websites: and 


Another great platform to use for an online ivy league education is edX; is a website with a catalog of more than 2000+ courses in all disciplines (there is a course here for everyone). edX has numerous courses taught by all eight of the Ivy League, and also other elite schools such as MIT, Stanford, and Duke. Courses on edX are profoundly diverse and range from everything on the spectrum.

Courses on artificial intelligence, robots, bioengineering, and gene editing are particularly interesting for sci-fi lovers. You can even find full-fledged and specialized courses on acting, film writing, and art. Some courses teach you how to play a musical instrument and how to compose your music.

I wasn’t lying when I told you, there is something for everyone.

Beginner courses are usually just a few weeks long, but more advanced courses can even go up to be as long as a few months! To top this all off, if you complete a credit course you can even pay for a certificate and get college credit. You can transfer your credit to your college credits: this means you will be fulfilling your college graduation requirements, from the comfort of your room.

You make your class times, choose how long you study each day, and most importantly choose what to study, all while getting valuable college credits: this is, after all, every student paradise. I also personally used edX to learn computer coding and photoshop, back when I was in high school.

Students can also visit another platform called Coursera ( which offers courses that are more aimed towards students looking to gain professional skills in fields such as computer science and business. These platforms are fairly exciting for high school students. While everyone else in the class will be doing the same routine course work, high

schoolers who take online courses can truly capitalize on this opportunity of quality education and get a competitive edge. You will not only impress your fellow class fellows with your knowledge but will also help stand out from your peers in front of your teachers.

Furthermore, you can use these courses on your common app college application. In the activity section of the common application, you can add that you have taken college-level courses in your desired majors. Although, you cannot send your finished course certificates to the universities you will be applying to, you can mention them in your activities section: something that might you get extra credit with the admissions officer.

I have seen a Yale course called the science of wellbeing trending on all of my social media pages.

Upon research, I found that it can be found for free on Coursera at ( and has 2.6 million enrolled students. Since most educational institutions are currently operating remotely due to the COVID pandemic, this would be the perfect time to utilize effectively and learn new things. 

Hopefully, by the end of it all, you will be able to say that you have also received a true ivy league education.

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