Student Finance Archives - While Studying Learning Beyond the Classroom Wed, 26 Apr 2023 10:57:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Student Finance Archives - While Studying 32 32 Money Savvy Socialites: The Top Influencers for Financial Hacks Wed, 01 Mar 2023 16:03:41 +0000 There are some money-savvy socialites and influencers out there who’ll help you stay on top of your financial game while

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There are some money-savvy socialites and influencers out there who’ll help you stay on top of your financial game while still living your best life.

These finance wizards have built their online empires by sharing their secrets to financial success, and they exist only to ensure you don’t end up broke and begging for ramen noodles by the end of the semester.

So, next time you’re scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, take a minute to check out some of these financial influencers who can help you stay focused on your goals.

Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?

Experts comments on Money Savvy Socialites

The Budgeting Expert – @DaveRamsey

Introducing the king of personal finance himself – Dave Ramsey (@DaveRamsey)!

This dude knows everything there is to know about budgeting, saving, and investing your way to a brighter financial future.

With his practical, no-nonsense approach to personal finance, Dave has become a household name in the world of money management. He’s all about being smart with your money, so you can live the life you want without worrying about debt and financial stress.

From his best-selling books to his popular radio show and podcast, Dave has helped millions of people take control of their finances and achieve financial freedom.

If you’re looking for solid advice on how to build your wealth, Dave’s your guy!

The Investment Guru – @GrantCardone

Next, the ultimate money-making machine – Grant Cardone (@GrantCardone).

This real estate investor, author, and motivational speaker knows how to build wealth like nobody’s business, and he’s not afraid to share his secrets with the rest of us.

From entrepreneurship to investing and personal finance, Grant offers practical advice to take your finances to the next level. He’s all about taking action and making your money work for you, so you can achieve the kind of financial success that dreams are made of.

With his no-nonsense approach and endless supply of energy, Grant is the perfect source of inspiration for college students who want to start building their wealth and securing their financial futures.

Ready to stop dreaming and start doing? It’s time to follow Grant and learn from the best.

The Entrepreneurial Trailblazers – @ramit

Get ready to meet the man who makes you rich – Ramit Sethi (@ramit).

This best-selling author is the ultimate finance guru, offering practical advice on everything from personal finance to entrepreneurship and investing.

If you’re looking to start your own business or make more money, Ramit is the man to follow. With his wealth of knowledge, he’ll help you take your finances from zero to hero in no time.

From his best-selling book to his popular courses and blog posts, Ramit has helped countless people achieve financial freedom and build the life of their dreams.

So if you’re ready to start living your best life, it’s time to follow Ramit and start learning how to be rich.

The Lifestyle Experts – @Farnoosh

Bow down to the queen of financial freedom herself – Farnoosh Torabi (@Farnoosh).

This financial expert and author is all about helping people achieve their financial goals while still enjoying life to the fullest.

Farnoosh’s approach is all about balance – she knows that saving money is important, but she also knows that life is too short to live like a total miser.


That’s why she’ll help you find the perfect balance between enjoying your life and achieving financial freedom.

From her books to her popular podcast, Farnoosh has become a go-to source of financial advice for people all over the world. If you’re ready to take control of your finances and live the life you deserve, Farnoosh will take you there!

It’s time to achieve your financial goals without sacrificing your happiness.

Get following!

Well, there you have it, folks – your ultimate squad of financial gurus who can help you slay your money game like a boss! These influencers are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to financial wisdom and Money-Savvy Socialites.

By following their sage advice and staying engaged with their content, you’ll gain all the knowledge and tools you need to take control of your finances and start building a better financial future.

Trust us, when it comes to money, the early bird really does get the worm.

So don’t wait another day to start hustling towards financial success! Whether you’re a broke college student or a seasoned pro, it’s never too early (or too late) to start taking your finances seriously.

Still stuck on ways to boost your personal finance? Check out our tips and tricks here!

The post Money Savvy Socialites: The Top Influencers for Financial Hacks appeared first on While Studying.

6 tips to sharpen your financial education Fri, 12 Aug 2022 12:41:10 +0000 So far you could understand what it is and the importance of personal financial education, so how about checking out

The post 6 tips to sharpen your financial education appeared first on While Studying.

So far you could understand what it is and the importance of personal financial education, so how about checking out some tips to put your learning process into practice?

Remember that any change will happen progressively, so don’t cover yourself so much if you find yourself being more challenging than you thought, right?

Over time, dealing with money better will become natural, trust me.

The tips are:

  1. Understand your budget
  2. Be prepared for the unexpected
  3. Have goals and objectives for your money
  4. Review your financial habits
  5. talk about money
  6. Learn more about financial education

We will explain each of the tips below, check it out.

6 tips to sharpen your financial education

1. Understand your budget

Financial education and personal finance are two concepts that are directly related: with financial education, you will learn to better control your finances and, as a result, you will be more aware of how to handle money.

Therefore, the first tip is precisely to understand your budget. How are you going to have a healthier relationship with money if you’re not clear about how much you earn and how much you spend?

Then, make a survey of all your transactions and analyze each movement. Identify consumption patterns, see if there is an opportunity to save more and if there is a way to set aside a part of the money to be invested.

2. Be prepared for the unexpected

An essential point of financial education is to understand the importance of being prepared for financial unforeseen events, such as unexpected house maintenance, hospital expenses, or even a loss of income.

By having an emergency fund, you save enough money to cover these expenses. That way, should something happen, you’ll be prepared to deal with unpredictable expenses and not run the risk of getting into debt.

3. Have goals and objectives for your money

Another important step in financial education is to see money as an ally for you to fulfill your dreams and achieve what you want so much. However, to keep the focus on saving money, it is essential to set goals and objectives for it.

By saving just for the sake of saving, the amount “loses” its meaning and there is a possibility that you will end up spending the money on something else. So give it a name and always remember the reason for your effort to save.

4. Review your financial habits

The change in how you handle your money will actually happen when you carefully analyze your financial habits. There are attitudes harmful to finances, such as compulsive spending, not controlling the budget, and not saving.

This is an exercise in self-knowledge and makes a lot of difference in your financial education process. By identifying the behaviors that hurt your pocketbook, you can focus on them first and bring about a significant change in your finances.

5. Talk about money

We’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth emphasizing: it’s essential to be able to talk about money with people you trust.

Of course, you shouldn’t go around telling everyone what your salary is, but talking to someone about the financial organization, emergency reserve, and other financial terms is a game-changer for learning more about finance, which is all about to do with financial education.

Money is not the end, but the means for you to fulfill your dreams, so why not talk openly about it?

Of course, there is a whole historical and social construction that prevents people from debating this agenda, but even so, the topic is essential to identify opportunities for improvement in the budget.

Start small, pick someone you’re comfortable with, and see how comfortable you are with talking about money.

6. Learn more about financial education

Investing in knowledge is essential to developing your financial education. So, look for courses, books, videos, podcasts, blogs, and in short, everything possible to understand more about the subject.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

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7 tips for taking good care of your personal finance Fri, 12 Aug 2022 12:34:49 +0000 Now that you understand the concept of personal finance, we can move on to the tips that will help you on your

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Now that you understand the concept of personal finance, we can move on to the tips that will help you on your financial management journey.

Check out the most important ones:

1. Control your earnings and expenses

The first step in incorporating the concept of personal finance into your daily life is having a method for tracking your earnings and expenses.

This is the starting point for taking care of your money, as you need an accurate diagnosis of your financial transactions to create a budget.

The tip is to use our monthly expense spreadsheet for personal financial control, which already comes with all the features you need to record what goes in and out of your account every month.

2. Create your budget for personal finance

Once you know exactly what your income and expenses are, you can now make a personal budget, which is basically an estimate of earnings and expenses that helps you plan financially.

Here on the blog, we have already presented several strategies for budget control, such as the pots method and the 50-30-20 method.

The goal is to distribute your monthly income so that you can cover your essential expenses (rent, bills, health plan, etc.), have money for variable expenses (leisure, delivery, unforeseen, etc.), and still manage to save and invest a considerable percentage (between 5% and 20% of your monthly income).

Want to learn how to organize your money for good? Check out the video below for financial organization tips:

3. Get out of debt

If you have overdue debts, they should be your priority in organizing personal finances. That’s because indebtedness is synonymous with the continuous loss of compound interest, and the situation can get worse and snowball easily.

So, add up everything you owe and look for ways to negotiate with your creditors — if nothing goes well, a personal loan to pay off everything at once and reduce interest may be a way out.

4. Have an emergency fund

The emergency reserve is an amount saved especially for unforeseen events that can save your financial life. It should be proportionate to the risks you are exposed to depending on your occupation and source of income.

For example, a self-employed person has a more unstable profession and must save enough money to cover their expenses for about 12 months, while a civil servant with stability may have a reserve for 6 months.

5. Use credit wisely for personal finance

Credit is an important instrument to take advantage of opportunities when you don’t have the money in sight, but it can turn into a villain when misused.

The biggest risk is to get into debt and end up entering the most expensive lines on the market, such as the famous revolving credit, which can charge interest of more than 300% per year.

Therefore, it is important to know how to use your credit card and plan very well before applying for a loan or taking out financing.

6. Think ahead and resist temptations

The biggest mistake of those who don’t understand the concept of personal finance is getting carried away by immediate desires and impulse purchases.

To have a balanced financial life, you need to learn to control consumerism and think about tomorrow. If you spend everything you have today, you will never be able to build wealth and achieve your goals.

Start small, saving at least 5% of your income, and work your way up until you can save 20% of what you earn for goals like buying a house, taking a trip or retiring with peace of mind.

Of course, these numbers are just suggestions. The important thing is to fit the percentage to your financial reality and always save, even if it’s a little per month.

7. Start investing for personal finance

Learning to invest is another essential personal finance lesson because when you invest your money, you can multiply your equity and make interest work in your favor.

Start by investing your emergency reserve in a fixed income product to have a return above savings, and study the financial market to get options with greater profitability.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

The post 7 tips for taking good care of your personal finance appeared first on While Studying.

How to set financial goals? Fri, 12 Aug 2022 12:31:46 +0000 If you don’t know how to set your financial goals, let’s help with some basic tips. Check where to start. How to

The post How to set financial goals? appeared first on While Studying.

If you don’t know how to set your financial goals, let’s help with some basic tips. Check where to start.

How to set financial goals?

set priorities

After all, what is most important to you when it comes to “things money can buy”? Start by thinking about this question and taking the time just to list your desires.

The list is likely to be quite long, but the idea is precisely to have a comprehensive view of your goals to be able to set priorities.

Obviously, we can’t buy everything we want, as money, most of the time, is limited. So, prioritize goals that really make sense in your life and that fit in your pocket .

set deadlines

Every financial goal needs a deadline to reach — otherwise, you’re unlikely to reach it. So, the next step is to organize your goals according to the period needed to achieve them (short, medium or long term).

For example, your main goals may be to save money to change your cell phone in 3 months, change your car in 1 year and buy a house in 5 years – it all depends on your priorities set earlier.

have everything calculated

In addition to knowing when you want to accomplish your goals, you need to know exactly how much they will cost. That’s because a financial goal only works if you have numbers in mind.

Set how much to save per month for financial goals

Finally, the most efficient way to achieve your financial goals is to define a monthly amount that should be saved, distributing this amount among your goals.

For example, assuming you have the first three goals of the previous example, you can start by putting together the R$ 2 thousand to pay off the debt for 3 months, then immediately start collecting the cell phone money and, after 5 months, start the savings for the car.

How to achieve your financial goals?

Here are some fundamental tips for you to achieve your financial goals, whatever they may be. Check out!

get rid of debts

It’s impossible to think about achieving financial goals if you have outstanding debt. Therefore, the first goal of all should be to pay off debts, so you can start saving money for your real purposes.

That’s because, if you let the pending issues roll, the interest will increase the values ​​more and more and worsen your indebtedness.

Organize your budget for financial goals

Personal financial organization is essential to achieve your goals in any deadline. This means having a structured control of your monthly income and expenses, as well as a pre-defined budget for all your expenses.

save every month

The only way to achieve financial goals is to save an amount every month on a consistent basis. With the pots method and the 50-30-20 method, for example, you set percentages of your income to save monthly, which vary between 10% and 20%.

Obviously, the more you can save, the faster you’ll reach your goals.

invest your money

In addition to saving money, it is important to make investments to maintain your purchasing power and multiply the amount invested . After all, why would you let your money sit and lose value if you have the option to invest it and earn income?

Today, you have several options with different degrees of risk and returns to keep your money invested in the short, medium and long term.

Keep focus for financial goals

Finally, it’s important to stay focused on your goals at all costs. For this, you can use visual stimuli such as a board in your home office or even a Pinterest panel with photos of the places you want to visit, the vehicle you want to buy or the house you want to live in.

Another idea is to share your goals with people close to you so they can also help keep you motivated. The important thing is to have your goals in sight and always be engaged in savings to achieve them.

Mistakes that get in the way of your financial journey

In closing, let’s check out the mistakes you should avoid if you want to achieve your financial goals with flying colors:

  • avoid impulse purchases that prioritize immediacy and compromise your future;
  • avoid excessive consumerism to alleviate anxiety (instead, plan all your purchases);
  • don’t leave your goals for later, because each day without saving makes your goals more distant ;
  • avoid long-term debt that impacts your income for many years and is an obstacle to your goals;
  • Be careful with the misuse of credit, which can make your goals unfeasible when it exceeds 30% of your income in installments and installments.

Do you understand what financial goals are and why you need them in your financial life? Tell us in the comments if you already have your goals set or if you are going to start this project now.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

The post How to set financial goals? appeared first on While Studying.

7 extra income options for students Fri, 12 Aug 2022 12:28:20 +0000 If you don’t know how to make money as a student, we have 7 ideas to help you to earn

The post 7 extra income options for students appeared first on While Studying.

If you don’t know how to make money as a student, we have 7 ideas to help you to earn extra income and get started on that journey.

Check out.

7 extra income options for students

1. Resale of products

One of the simplest way for extra income as a student is to invest in reselling products. There are several companies that work with direct sales, such as cosmetics manufacturers, clothing stores, perfume stores, etc.

There are two most common models of partnership with these companies:

  • Consigned sale: the company gives the catalog and products for resale, and you earn a commission according to your performance, being able to return the items that did not have an exit;
  • Direct Selling: You buy the products at a discount and resell them at a profit, usually through a catalog.

However, it is worth mentioning that most companies that work with these sales models require the student to be at least 18 years old to register as a reseller.

2. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is ageless and can start very early, even in elementary school. This is the case of children and young people who start selling brigadiers, truffles, figurines and any accessory that is on the rise at school.

If you know how to cook well, for example, food is one of the most profitable areas to start your sales.

In addition, school or college is a great place to sell sweets and snacks, as everyone is looking for alternatives to the canteen and the desire to try is always there.

If you don’t want to get your hands dirty, you can still sell products made by parents and negotiate a commission.

In addition to being a great way to make money as a student, it’s still valuable entrepreneurial learning that you can take for a lifetime.

3. Internship for extra income

An internship contract is an option for high school, technical, and higher education students.

In this type of work, you earn a grant and have a limit of 30 hours per week or 6 hours per day.

For special education students and the final years of elementary school (youth and adult education), the limit is 4 hours per day and 20 hours per week.

In this case, the internship does not characterize any type of employment relationship, and the only obligations of the company are to provide transportation assistance for non-mandatory internships, guarantee a suitable work environment and send reports of the intern’s activities.

4. Work as a young apprentice

There is also another type of paid work that can be carried out by young people aged between 14 and 24, the young apprentice.

Medium and large companies are obliged to hire young apprentices to train them, in a proportion that varies between 5% and 15% of the workforce.

Therefore, entering this category in a company is an opportunity to earn money as a student and learn a profession.

5. Autonomous Services for extra income

Self-employed services are an interesting option to earn money as a student without interfering with study schedules.

You may, for example, charge for typing, proofreading, and formatting school and academic work.

There are also those who charge to resolve bureaucracy in student life when it is possible to send third parties to the secretariat or academic center.

Another way of providing services is by doing ” odd jobs ” like when someone needs help taking care of a child, mowing the lawn, cleaning a salon after a party, etc.

6. Crafts and creation

If you work with crafts or some kind of creative activity, know that this is one of the best ways to earn money as a student and still develop your potential.

Here are some ideas to capitalize on your talents:

  • Sell ​​knitting and crochet pieces, if you know how to sew;
  • Sell ​​personalized products such as t-shirts with exclusive prints, personalized mugs, embroidered scarves, etc.;
  • Provide photography services for events and people, if you master the camera;
  • Provide design services such as business cards, flyers, invitations to social events, etc.;
  • Provide video editing services for events and celebrations;
  • Sell ​​exclusive illustrations;
  • Sell ​​frames with your paintings.

7. Private lessons

Finally, an activity that always earns some money during the school period is private tutoring.

You can offer private tutoring in the subjects you are most familiar with, for example, or in languages, if you have an advanced level in English, Spanish and other languages.

In this case, it is important to have complete mastery of the content and study a little didactics to be able to pass on your knowledge — and charge for it.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

The post 7 extra income options for students appeared first on While Studying.

How to make money on social media? Fri, 12 Aug 2022 12:22:16 +0000 If you are wondering how to make money on social media, take advantage of our exclusive tips. Tips to make money

The post How to make money on social media? appeared first on While Studying.

If you are wondering how to make money on social media, take advantage of our exclusive tips.

Tips to make money on social media

1. Sell new or used products

Selling new or used products is one of the most efficient and democratic ways to make money on social media.

On Facebook you can use Facebook Marketplace to sell products throughout country as an individual or legal entity.

On Instagram, you can use Instagram Shopping to advertise new or used items in your catalog.

You can buy some products wholesale, like clothes and accessories, for example, and start selling on social media to make an extra income.

2. Open an online store

If you want to go a step further in sales through social networks, you can open a virtual store with a CNPJ.

In this case, you can take the opportunity to create a professional store on Facebook or Instagram, increasing the reach of customers on the internet.

You still have the ad features of Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads to promote your products and sell more.

Additionally, on YouTube, Partner Program participants can create a shelf of channel-exclusive products to sell to fans.

Another option to sell products professionally is Pinterest Shopping.

3. Work as an affiliate to make money on social media

Another option on how to make money on social media is to join an affiliate program.

It works like this: you become an affiliate of a digital product, which can be a course, e-book, tutorial or other material, and you earn a commission per sale or clicks on the promotion link of this product.

That way, you can use social media to promote the product link to the info producers’ target audience and earn money from sales.

4. Partner with companies

For users who have reached the status of digital influencers, the way to make money on social media is to partner with companies.

In this case, you receive products, services and payments (fixed or variable) to advertise products of a certain brand with an interest in your audience.

Of course, for that, you need to have a considerable number of followers (from 10 thousand) and content that generates high engagement on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and TikTok.

5. Earn from watching videos

For those who produce online content, it is possible to earn money from video views.

The platform known for this type of monetization is YouTube, which pays the most popular users from a certain number of views.

In this case, the values ​​are not disclosed by the company, but there are reports of digital influencers who earn up to US$ 4 thousand (about R$ 20,730 in 2022) for 1 million views.

Instagram also recently announced the monetization of Reels, the up to 90-second videos released on the platform.

According to the announcement, the amounts paid will be as follows:

  • 50 thousand views: US$ 125 (about R$ 647 in 2022);
  • 150 thousand views: US$ 375 (about R$ 1,943 in 2022);
  • 200 thousand views: US$ 500 (about R$ 2,591 in 2022).

Again, this method of how to make money on social media is only for profiles with a lot of followers and views.

6. Make live broadcasts (lives)

On Instagram and Facebook, users can buy special stamps to interact with during their lives with prices up to US$ 4.99 (about R$ 25 in 2022).

Another feature of Meta’s social networks is the stars that can be sent by users during their lives. For each star, the content creator earns $0.01 (about $0.05 in 2022).

The advantage is that the revenue from the stamps is entirely directed to the content creator.

On YouTube, live content creators receive payments from badges called Super Chat and Super Stickers.

These features are paid for by channel subscribers, as they make their profiles visible in the live stream chat.

TikTok has a similar feature that allows users to send “gifts” to the creator during the live, which are paid for in the social network’s own currency (TikTok Coin).

7. Organize online events

Twitter now makes it possible to create paid online events on Twitter Espaços, a feature that allows you to create rooms with live audio on the platform.

The new feature is called “ Ticketed Spaces ” and is gradually being made available to content creators.

Basically, you can create an audio room for an exclusive event and charge tickets from $1 to $999.

This resource is aimed at influencers who already have a specific audience or even professionals who want to hold workshops and transmit knowledge in their area of ​​expertise.

8. Run ads on your content 

Users who frequently create content on some social networks can earn money by running ads from various brands in their publications.

On YouTube, for example, users who are part of the Affiliate Program can run ads on their videos and get paid for doing so.

There are four types of ads: 5-second skippable, 15- or 20-second non-skippable, bumper-type and image overlay.

In this case, the video creator keeps 55% of the ad revenue, depending on the performance of the publication.

To start making money on YouTube, you must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the previous year, plus a Google AdSense account linked to the user.

9. Offer exclusive content subscriptions

On YouTube, partner users can create channel clubs where members pay a monthly fee to access exclusive content and benefits.

In addition, the channel owner receives a portion of the subscription fee from YouTube Premium users when they watch the created content.

Twitter has Super Follows, which also works as a subscription club for the most engaged followers, who are willing to pay for exclusive content (in this case, bonus tweets).

10. Promote your services to make money on social media

Finally, if you provide a service as a self-employed or self-employed professional, it is worth using social media to reach more customers and increase your income.

For example, creative professionals such as copywriters, designers and illustrators offer their services on multiple platforms.

A useful channel for this is Facebook groups, as there are communities specifically focused on locally offered services.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

The post How to make money on social media? appeared first on While Studying.

10 finance apps to control your spending and investments Tue, 09 Aug 2022 18:36:35 +0000 Having control and knowing how to deal with your own money is, in addition to being fundamental for a peaceful

The post 10 finance apps to control your spending and investments appeared first on While Studying.

Even the highest salaries cannot be sustained without financial education, as they can be incompatible with the lifestyle a person wants to lead. The worst-case scenario, however, is that of people who do not have such a good salary and, in addition, spend much more than they can.Thinking that financial education is such a recurring and extremely important topic for all of us, especially for young people who are now entering the job market, we decided to seek help in technology and found some personal finance apps that can help when controlling expenses. and take the first steps in investments, for example.

Hey, did you think the investment was a matter for big businessmen? Wrong! Stay with us to find out how you too can get on the bandwagon and make your money work.

Check out in today’s post, the 10 finance apps that can make a difference to your pocket!

How can young people benefit from financial education?

There is no right age to learn about finance, that’s a fact. However, financial education for young people results in adults being empowered over their own money, which reflects not only on their personal lives but on society as a whole, as these young people will learn and be more interested in economics and politics, becoming citizens. critically active.

In addition, the earlier you learn about controlling expenses and finances, the better a person is able to face a crisis or small adverse financial situations in everyday life. One thing is a fact: it is necessary to demystify that money is a problem, a complicated subject, or an agenda only for businessmen and politicians. The topic is necessary for everyone and, for that, nothing better than knowing some practices so that you can start organizing your finances today.

In addition to numerous free investment courses – online or in person – on the subject, you can find several tips on the internet on how to be more organized with your own money. Take some time to look into that too!

What is personal financial education?

It is important to point out, however, that financial education can open up different areas of understanding, with personnel being our focus in this article. Therefore, the first thing to point out is that personal financial education involves many aspects of everyday life since money is something present in almost every activity we do on a daily basis.

Among the most diverse things, through financial education it is possible to learn about the current national and international market, how interest rates influence our lives, to consume more consciously, use the credit function with more responsibility and make your own budget month, program the following months.

And don’t think that all this is a seven-headed bug, on the contrary. Today, there are several resources available that help you plan expenses, understand your consumer profile, set short and long-term goals, etc. Personal finance apps represent just a few of these resources, but you can look for good quality content about finances in free online courses, podcasts, YouTube videos, and more. In short, our tip is that you use technology to your advantage to learn and put into practice the lessons of financial education as soon as possible.

How to control personal expenses?

Although we know that there are theories and more structured ways that teach you how to control spending, there are some cool tips to be applied in everyday life, such as the use of spreadsheets. And it can be done very simply!

Creating a personal expenses spreadsheet, in Excel itself, allows you to have a broad view of your individual expenses, prioritizing what is essential for that month, what is superfluous (but still within the budget), what can be discarded, and which is possible to save, saving a little money too.

Personal finance apps

We’ve come to the part of the article you’ve been waiting for, haven’t we? Below, we’ve selected the best personal finance apps out there today for anyone who wants to be a good financial organizer. Check out:


There’s no mistake: Mobills is the most used finance application, thanks to its great usability, which attracts thousands of people looking to organize their financial life. It has a very different feature from the others, which is the geolocation of expenses, which makes it easier to understand which region you usually spend more, such as close to home, close to work or any other specific location.

In addition, the app has a financial planning feature divided into categories, in which you can assign monthly spending ceilings for each one. Cool huh?

In addition to the existing free account, it is also possible to choose the premium plan for the account, the first being more restricted to expense entries and the second being unlimited use.


If you’re looking for an organizer that integrates with other finance apps on your cell phone, Guiabolso is ideal. This app stands out for integrating bank accounts and credit cards, making it easy to manage your finances on a single platform.

Another point of relevance is the comparison it brings regarding the financial index of other users with the same profile as yours, helping to create your average parameter of expenses and organization. Guiabolso is available for Android and iOS.

My Savings

As the name suggests, Minhas Economies is aimed at controlling personal expenses. With all the facilities of the other finance apps above, the difference is in the resource for those who need to plan for the future.

It’s quite simple: suppose you want to make a down payment on a property, right? With this app, you can set the total budget for this and track your entire program to reach the established goal. My Savings is available for Android and iOS.


Launched by Banco BS2, the Blu application is aimed especially at young people and teenagers, promoting financial education from an early age in a very interactive way. Through gamification strategies, the app offers games and challenges in a quiz format, which address subjects such as conscious consumption, economics, mathematics, finance, security, etc.

What draws attention is the dynamic way in which Blu educates users about the value of work, the organization of their own money, discipline, and autonomy, essential points for a quality financial education.

According to the creators of the app, the objective of the platform is to develop financial awareness from an early age, giving teenagers and young people greater autonomy. Blu is available for Android and iOS.


With more than two million users, Organize is the perfect app for anyone who wants to create personal goals focusing on savings, being able to clearly identify where their money is going, and prioritizing spending sectors. The app also allows the integration of bank accounts and cards, in addition to the usability being quite intuitive, which attracts people even more.

At Organize, you can control your money with practicality, having access to monthly reports that create spending alerts, in addition to being able to save all data in the cloud.

Investment control apps

For those who are already more familiar with organizing finance, maybe it’s time to take a step towards investing. And yes: better-investing money can be for everyone, it is not something from another world and it is not only part of the life of great entrepreneurs.

In fact, nowadays there are several finance apps that help those who want to start saving money, helping to monitor the investment market and understand more about the subject. We’ve selected a few for you:


Investing is one of the most used apps today for those who are starting to invest. It allows you to monitor news and stock market movements in real-time, with information from more than 20,000 financial instruments.

Among the advantages of this app, we highlight the possibility to create and customize your own stock portfolio and access to reports from industry experts.


If this is your first time investing, you can’t go wrong: you bet on Bloomberg, which has its application as a reference when it comes to financial markets. The app provides information from various platforms, in addition to its own content made available via radio, television and the internet, being used by major players in the sector.

Through the Bloomberg application, users can follow information about the financial market, commodities, currency quotes, rates, and various securities. You can also access daily market news and receive alerts on stocks that interest you.


With a simple layout and easy-to-use, Kinvo aims to facilitate the management of those who want to invest. Among the features made available by the application, are the graphic analysis of your investment portfolio and the possibility of registering other portfolios, for comparisons.

It is possible to download the app in the free version, but you can also subscribe to the platform’s premium plan to have access to the risks and returns of each application, in addition to notification and dividend alerts.


With the slogan “finance doesn’t hove to be rocket science ” or “finance doesn’t have to be rocket science”, the Finimize app is recognized worldwide for helping new investors to enter the market in an uncomplicated way, promoting the idea that financial instruments must be accessible and understandable to all.

As a differential, the app provides text and audio content to help those who are entering the investment market now, with a very accessible language.

Yahoo! Finance

Yahoo! Finance is one of the most popular finance apps for users, with great ratings. Similar to the Bloomberg application, it also allows you to follow everything about the financial market and current quotes, being able to choose your favorite stocks to receive alerts.

The finance app is ideal for anyone who wants the latest news for investment decision-making, receiving real-time checks and notifications. In addition, the feature of comparing market information through interactive charts is very appealing to users. Available for Android and iOS.

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