7 extra income options for students

If you don’t know how to make money as a student, we have 7 ideas to help you to earn extra income and get started on that journey.

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7 extra income options for students

1. Resale of products

One of the simplest way for extra income as a student is to invest in reselling products. There are several companies that work with direct sales, such as cosmetics manufacturers, clothing stores, perfume stores, etc.

There are two most common models of partnership with these companies:

  • Consigned sale: the company gives the catalog and products for resale, and you earn a commission according to your performance, being able to return the items that did not have an exit;
  • Direct Selling: You buy the products at a discount and resell them at a profit, usually through a catalog.

However, it is worth mentioning that most companies that work with these sales models require the student to be at least 18 years old to register as a reseller.

2. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is ageless and can start very early, even in elementary school. This is the case of children and young people who start selling brigadiers, truffles, figurines and any accessory that is on the rise at school.

If you know how to cook well, for example, food is one of the most profitable areas to start your sales.

In addition, school or college is a great place to sell sweets and snacks, as everyone is looking for alternatives to the canteen and the desire to try is always there.

If you don’t want to get your hands dirty, you can still sell products made by parents and negotiate a commission.

In addition to being a great way to make money as a student, it’s still valuable entrepreneurial learning that you can take for a lifetime.

3. Internship for extra income

An internship contract is an option for high school, technical, and higher education students.

In this type of work, you earn a grant and have a limit of 30 hours per week or 6 hours per day.

For special education students and the final years of elementary school (youth and adult education), the limit is 4 hours per day and 20 hours per week.

In this case, the internship does not characterize any type of employment relationship, and the only obligations of the company are to provide transportation assistance for non-mandatory internships, guarantee a suitable work environment and send reports of the intern’s activities.

4. Work as a young apprentice

There is also another type of paid work that can be carried out by young people aged between 14 and 24, the young apprentice.

Medium and large companies are obliged to hire young apprentices to train them, in a proportion that varies between 5% and 15% of the workforce.

Therefore, entering this category in a company is an opportunity to earn money as a student and learn a profession.

5. Autonomous Services for extra income

Self-employed services are an interesting option to earn money as a student without interfering with study schedules.

You may, for example, charge for typing, proofreading, and formatting school and academic work.

There are also those who charge to resolve bureaucracy in student life when it is possible to send third parties to the secretariat or academic center.

Another way of providing services is by doing ” odd jobs ” like when someone needs help taking care of a child, mowing the lawn, cleaning a salon after a party, etc.

6. Crafts and creation

If you work with crafts or some kind of creative activity, know that this is one of the best ways to earn money as a student and still develop your potential.

Here are some ideas to capitalize on your talents:

  • Sell ​​knitting and crochet pieces, if you know how to sew;
  • Sell ​​personalized products such as t-shirts with exclusive prints, personalized mugs, embroidered scarves, etc.;
  • Provide photography services for events and people, if you master the camera;
  • Provide design services such as business cards, flyers, invitations to social events, etc.;
  • Provide video editing services for events and celebrations;
  • Sell ​​exclusive illustrations;
  • Sell ​​frames with your paintings.

7. Private lessons

Finally, an activity that always earns some money during the school period is private tutoring.

You can offer private tutoring in the subjects you are most familiar with, for example, or in languages, if you have an advanced level in English, Spanish and other languages.

In this case, it is important to have complete mastery of the content and study a little didactics to be able to pass on your knowledge — and charge for it.

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