Wellness Tips Archives - While Studying Learning Beyond the Classroom Tue, 25 Apr 2023 07:33:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://whilestudying.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/cropped-whilestudy-favicon-32x32.png Wellness Tips Archives - While Studying 32 32 3 TIPS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS WITH ADHD https://whilestudying.com/3-tips-for-college-students-with-adhd/ Fri, 10 Mar 2023 16:54:25 +0000 https://whilestudying.com/?p=3015 While the new opportunities, inescapable social scene, and newfound freedom college provides might be exciting for many students, it can

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While the new opportunities, inescapable social scene, and newfound freedom college provides might be exciting for many students, it can be quite daunting and challenging for people with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Moving away from the structured life of the school to the greater responsibilities of college might take a toll on them. Here are 3 tips for college students with ADHD.


Students with ADHD have a tendency to be distracted so it is imperative to choose classes that keep your interest. Make use of the preregistration period and choose classes that intrigue you. Instead of selecting large lectures, go for smaller classes with multiple group discussions.  Go through the syllabi for each class to find out whether the written assignments and reading material are of interest or possible for you to do. Be realistic in your choice. It always helps to know your limitation and plan accordingly.

Students with ADHD have short attention spans so finding out what study habits work for you is imperative. Ask yourself where is your productivity maximum. Is it in your college dorm or the library? Find what works for you. Put your phone on focus mode so that you do not get distracted during your study hours. Find out what type of learner you are, whether you are a visual learner, reader, or listener. Stick to what gets the maximum work done in less time.  Give yourself breaks in between your study sessions so you don’t get disinterested.


One of the major symptoms of ADHD is executive dysfunction. To combat that, students must be able to organize. Use a calendar to make a note of all your deadlines, whether for social events or assignments. College professors do not remind you of due assignments, reading to be done, or any quizzes or tests. A calendar helps you a lot to stay on top of everything. With the advancements in technology, many new apps allow you to organize your time efficiently. A smartwatch can also help you keep track of all your deadlines. If you are still struggling and unable to meet deadlines, you can always reach out to your college counselors.

To maintain your focus, set one goal at a time and work towards achieving that. Make a list of all the things you need and minimize your distractions. Keep your work light and do not overexert yourself.


Poor adherence to your medicine can have drastic effects on your academic performance and overall general health.  If you are studying at a college away from home, try to use a campus physician rather than your local one. This way you can reach out to them at any time when needed. Ask your doctor for an evaluation of your dosage if the need arises.  Find a pharmacy that has a reminder system. Set alarms to take your medicine on time. There are also many apps that you could install for free on your phone that can give you good reminders. Always restore your medicine in advance so you never run out.

If all this does not work, do not be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to your college therapist or any professional in the vicinity of your college if you get overwhelmed. Tell him how you are feeling. It is vital to work on building a relationship or having that reference of contact before a crisis occurs.

Following these tips, people with ADHD can enjoy a normal college experience. Please note that this article is not meant to replace any advice you receive from your medical doctor or professional therapist but it is supplement information that you may decide to use as a guide.


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5 Personal Finance Tips to Master Before You Graduate https://whilestudying.com/5-personal-finance-tips-to-master-before-you-graduate/ Sat, 25 Feb 2023 18:45:57 +0000 https://whilestudying.com/?p=2958 Learning personal finance tips in your 20s is especially important because while student money management is one thing, understanding money

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Learning personal finance tips in your 20s is especially important because while student money management is one thing, understanding money after college is another.

Trying to get ahead before you graduate?

Here are the best personal finance tips for students to learn before they don their cap and gown:

  • Weekly Budgeting

You can’t manage your money without knowing what you have. You’ve probably already heard about the importance of budgeting, but you shouldn’t be doing that math mentally – you need an actual budget planner to see what you’re working with.


Check out these free budget planner worksheets to get an idea of what your system should look like. Once you start using one, it’s important to revisit it often, but not so often that it begins to cause stress. Allot thirty minutes every week to review your budget, assess your spending, and adjust it as needed.

Building this weekly habit now will set you up for a lifetime of financial success.


  • Build Your Credit Score

It might sound strange to spend money you don’t technically have, but doing so is the basis of building up a credit score. When you earn enough money to buy a car, rent an apartment, or even buy a home, cash on hand won’t matter – your credit will.

If you don’t already have a credit card, it’s time to open one. It’s the easiest way to build credit without a lot of assets. Many leading banks have credit cards specifically for college students to start building their credit scores, commonly called starter credit cards.

Check out this list to choose one, and try your best to use it instead of a debit card (those don’t do anything for your credit score).


  • Balance Your Accounts

Now that you have a starter credit card, it’s critical to be careful with it. When you do your weekly budgeting session, triple-check that you’re only spending money you’ll be able to pay off every month.

If you miss a credit card payment or allow too much debt to accrue, you risk damaging your credit score for years to come. Prioritize balancing your accounts every month, and you’ll be set.


  • Overcome Impulse Spending

Every purchase you make should be planned. The spontaneous fast food run and visit to the store to grab toothpaste is fine, but leaving the mall with clothes you didn’t plan on getting can add up quickly.

You deserve to spend your money on items that make you happy, but you should think over big purchases for a couple of weeks. And of course, don’t spend the money if you can’t pay it off within 1-3 months.

  • Fill an Emergency Account

As soon as you’re able, it’s essential to start an emergency fund. The rule of thumb for such an account is that it should have at least 3-6 months’ worth of expenses at all times – that includes rent, utilities, gas, and groceries.

This can take some time to build up, but setting aside even $50 every week makes a difference.

Mastering these personal finance tips now will get you ahead in the future. Do your research, be strategic, and most importantly – invest in yourself at every opportunity.

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HOW TO MAINTAIN WORK LIFE AND SCHOOL BALANCE https://whilestudying.com/how-to-maintain-work-life-school-balance/ Sat, 25 Feb 2023 16:56:07 +0000 https://whilestudying.com/?p=3019 Do you want to know the tips to maintain work life and school balance? With inflation on the rise and

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Do you want to know the tips to maintain work life and school balance? With inflation on the rise and the price of education skyrocketing, pursuing higher education without working to counterbalance some of the finances is nearly impossible for the majority of students.  Some students must work to pay their tuition (some do not qualify for scholarships), and living expenses include rent, food, transportation, medical insurance, and recreational expenses to name a few.

Meanwhile, one of the most common causes of students failing their semester or not doing as well as they can is their inability to juggle both work and college.  No wonder, many students are stressed out. Therefore, the following are some of the tips that can help college students maintain a balance between their work and college.

Tips to Maintain work life and school Balance


One of the best ways to manage work with college is to create a detailed schedule. Plan out your days according to what needs to be done. Carve out specific hours for studying and work. A schedule allows you to be organized and mindful of all your tasks, appointments, and deadlines. Keep an extensive planner or calendar in which you log in all your tasks and their deadlines for both work and college. This will help you keep on top of everything that needs to be done


Many students end up blurring the lines between work and college in the name of multitasking. The truth is that doing this does not let you focus on anything. Your mind is constantly divided and unable to give the task at hand its undivided attention. Try to do your college work and study at your designated time according to your schedule and your job during work hours.


A support system is very important for your mental well-being while juggling work and college. This can be your friends, your family, your partners, or even your work colleagues. Letting them know beforehand of your tough schedule allows them to be understanding and not be too bumped out about you missing out on certain social events.  Just having someone to talk things over with or vent to in times of crisis also allows you to be more relaxed and help you cope.  The truth is that you may be surprised to know that some in your support system have gone through a similar experience you are currently going through. Why not open up to a friend in confidence- someone you trust?


Many times you end up putting extra pressure on yourself when all you needed was to ask for help. We are too afraid of getting rejected to not go for it. In reality, many employers and professors are willing to listen if you talk to them genuinely. Ask for an extension on deadlines, retaking of tests, or get another shift at work that does not collide with your study hours.


Working all night when you have a morning lecture is exhausting and physically draining. If you have to commute for the said job as well, that can put a lot of stress on you.  Find a job that is closer to campus or preferably on campus. A job that offers flexible working hours and an option to work remotely is ideal for college students.  Find something that you like doing so that you can enjoy your time as well.

If you cannot find work close to a school or work remotely is impossible for you, then could you use your commute time to get some schoolwork done? That is if, of course, you don’t have to drive yourself.


Often, such a taxing schedule can take a toll on your mind and body. It can push your limits and bring you to a point of quitting. When this happens, always remember your goals and the future that you aspire to have. Working hard now might be tiring but it pays off in the long run! GET ENOUGH REST

Working and schooling are not all to life. In fact, for your body to process what you are learning, you do need enough rest. This very essential to maintain a work-life-school balance. Therefore, get enough rest-sleep at least 8 hours a day if possible. You will find that this will help you feel refreshed.


Make time to cool down a little. You have been working so hard. Go for a walk and spend some time with friends and family. But a word of caution: GIVE THE DIGITAL WORLD A BREAK-leave the cell phone, IPADS, and tv alone for a minute.

In conclusion, the keys to balancing school and work life is setting priority, being modest or knowing your limitation, and creating for yourself a good support system- relationships you could count on in time of need.

Keeping these tips in mind can lead you towards a successful balance between both work and college and take you one step forward toward achieving your dreams.

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Stress Management: Students https://whilestudying.com/stress-management-students/ Wed, 19 Oct 2022 17:24:55 +0000 https://whilestudying.com/?p=2920 Stress Management for Students. In a world evolving constantly, competition never lets up. When even a 0.5% increase or decrease

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Stress Management for Students. In a world evolving constantly, competition never lets up. When even a 0.5% increase or decrease in grades can make or break a career, stress seems to be students’ interminable partner throughout school, college and later, university. In an effort to keep up with myriads of assignments, spend time with family, maintain a social circle and stay up to date about the world, students barely have any downtime. Consequently, their health- both physical and mental- suffer.

Continuous stress can have drastic effects on students’ lives, both present and future. Academic stress, if not managed properly, can leave students at risk of developing various mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and burnout. It can also decrease their immunity and make them vulnerable to infections and ill physical health.

The crucial step in managing stress is identify it and understand its cause. Some of the ways in which academic stress can be effectively managed are listed below.

 How Stress management works?


Depending on the hormones released, stress increases or decreases an appetite of a person. Stress also changes persons’ preference in foods, making them crave food that is rich in sugar and fats but poor in nutrition.

It is, thus, imperative for students to maintain a diet that is balanced, rich in nutrition and energy. Fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, beans and pulses should be part of students’ diet.


Students pull all-nighters to work on assignments and study for tests which mess up their sleeping patterns. Studies done by American Psychological Association prove that people who do not get a good night’s sleep tend to have higher level of stress than those who do. Staying up all night not only makes you lethargic but also compromises your work.

Getting an eight hour sleep every night increases your productivity and helps you to not get overwhelmed.


While some competition is healthy and motivates students to work better, it is important to remember that your real competition is yourself. All the hard work you do is to build a future for yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to not get lost in competition with your peers and overstress yourself in being the best. One should strive to be the best for one’s own self.


Our parents, teachers and friends generally mean well, though sometimes their expectations of us can be overwhelming. It is vital to not be too critical of yourself when you fail to meet those expectations. All that matters is that you work hard. Establishing healthy communication with your parents and teachers can help reduce stress from their expectations.


Having hobbies that can help provide a stress outlet is essential in maintaining a sound mind. Exercising regularly, sports, reading, art, music and therapeutic walks can reduce stress. Moreover, such activities can relax the mind, enhance your ability to work and also, save you from burning out.


Not being able to manage time efficiently causes significant amount of stress in students. Having time management skill not only helps you organize your time but also to meet up deadlines, which allows you to avoid pulling all-nighters every week. This, in turn, improves your sleep.

To manage time well, write down your daily tasks in a planner or on your phone. Make a schedule and stick to it. Avoid distractions. Prioritize your work wisely according to most recent deadline. Take 15 min breaks in between work to stay motivated and energized. Set a time limit for certain tasks and adhere to it.


Taking out time to do your favorite things helps reduce the urge to procrastinate. When the need to procrastinate kicks in, try to give yourself a positive pep talk to bolster yourself.


When you feel yourself on the precipice of stress, try to practice guided imagery. Go to a quiet place and take calming breaths. Imagine a scenery that helps calms you down.


Quality friendships tend to reduce stress. Look for opportunities to meet new people and do not be afraid to form connections with people.


Keep a positive mindset. Take out time for yourself doing things you enjoy like reading, catching up on television, having a spa day.

If your stress still is too much to handle, do not be afraid to reach out for help. Search for your closest mental health facilities and seek a professional for help. A good start in managing stress is to learn to take care of your mental and physical health.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

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How to do the financial planning of a company? 8 Steps to Get Started! https://whilestudying.com/how-to-do-the-financial-planning-of-a-company-8-steps-to-get-started/ Fri, 12 Aug 2022 14:14:31 +0000 https://whilestudying.com/?p=2848 If you want to improve the performance of your business, read on and check out how to do your company’s

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If you want to improve the performance of your business, read on and check out how to do your company’s financial planning in 8 steps. Follow up!

Financial planning in 8 steps

1. Know the current situation of the business

The first step in making an efficient business financial planning is to survey the current situation of the business. To do this, gather your organization’s data, such as operating time and financial history.

Then, it is possible to do a SWOT analysis, which consists of identifying market strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

In this sense, keep in mind that it is necessary to have both an internal and an external view of the enterprise.

This will help you understand where to start when setting goals for your micro or small business.

2. Analyze your cash flow

After knowing the internal and external scenario of your company, the next step is to manage the budget and analyze your cash flow.

In this sense, having finance software can facilitate the process, integrating data and helping to prevent errors.

Here, it is important to record all income and expenses, as this allows you to understand the reality of the business. In addition, it is a way to easily view all the information about your financial transactions.

It is also interesting to separate by periods and by cost centers. This action creates subsidies to define the objectives of your financial planning.

The information may show that there is excessive spending with a particular supplier, for example.

Thus, when establishing a cost cut, it will be easier to present data to seek the negotiation margin with this agent or change supplier company.

That is, by analyzing your cash flow, you can identify ways to reduce expenses.

From this, the company may have surpluses in the budget to make an eventual investment or implement other strategies.

Also, the recording of costs and revenues may indicate the need to attract capital, either with sales or with other credit solutions.

3. Make projections

Projecting the financial future is important even for micro and small companies. To do so, these forecasts need to fit into corporate financial planning and must be guided by macroeconomic changes.

By analyzing the macro context, you will be able to identify opportunities to stay ahead of the competition. To complement, it is also worth thinking about what your customer expects from your products or services.

Conduct opinion polls and compare with other regions of the country. It is also important to always consider political changes and the financial market.

Thus, your company will have the basis to understand the future of the sector in which it operates and prepare properly for eventual changes.

4. Set goals for Financial planning

After knowing your company’s financial reality and considering the context in which it operates, it’s time to define what you expect for the short, medium and long term.

When setting your goals, be sure to ensure they are achievable.

In addition, if your micro or small company has employees, it is essential to make everyone aware of the objectives set.

Another interesting strategy is to divide each of them into small goals that stimulate team productivity and make work more dynamic.

That way, you can get results faster. The trend is for everyone to feel inspired to act in the best way to achieve the company’s financial planning goals.

5. Act on data for Financial planning

With the financial scenario established and financial planning based on realistic objectives, the company will be able to take the first steps towards better organizing its finances.

If there are no debts, the job is even simpler, as all you need is a boost to optimize results. On the other hand, if debts are present, it is worth paying them off before proceeding with planning.

For this, it is possible to renegotiate values ​​seek better conditions, and define financial priorities.

A tip to help with the choices is to measure and follow the metrics, aiming to find the points that deserve more attention and guarantee data-based decisions.

6. Have good inventory management

If your company works with inventories, know that a part of your money is immobilized in this way.

Therefore, keeping large volumes stored unnecessarily is a very inefficient measure, as this amount could be directed to other strategies.

One possibility is that this money was invested and provided a financial return. However, you need to have balance. After all, a very small stock can threaten your production flow and the fulfillment of demand.

Thus, from a financial point of view, inventory control is essential for financial health. If desired, use a control system to improve management.

7. Make ongoing investments

As you’ve seen, a company’s financial planning exists to keep finances in order. One of the results it provides is the availability of money to invest and grow.

This is because continuous investment is essential for the survival of an enterprise.

It is often necessary to invest in technology, physical structure, training, and new equipment, among other factors, in order to have more visibility. This initiative allows you to increase profit and stand out from the competition.

8. Track the results

Finally, you must have an action plan based on your goals and track the results you get. Set a schedule, determine the steps according to each objective, and distribute tasks to put the plan into practice.

Thus, all employees can work in alignment. This is critical to getting the most out of your action plan. In addition, set deadlines to analyze whether the activities carried out are having the expected outcome.

In this way, it is possible to identify if the results are adequate or if it is necessary to reformulate the action plan or goals. This is essential care so that all your financial planning goals can be achieved.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

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How to prepare your business for commemorative dates? https://whilestudying.com/how-to-prepare-your-business-for-commemorative-dates/ Fri, 12 Aug 2022 13:56:47 +0000 https://whilestudying.com/?p=2834 The business for commemorative dates chances to increase sales in various sectors of the market. Christmas, for example, is the

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The business for commemorative dates chances to increase sales in various sectors of the market. Christmas, for example, is the main date for eCommerce. In addition to the clothing, toys, electronics, and gifts sectors in general, it moves the supermarket niche.

Although consumers are already willing to spend more in these periods, it is necessary to prepare your business for commemorative dates. After all, competition is increasingly fierce.

Want to know how to prepare your business for commemorative dates? So keep reading! In this post, you will understand how it is possible to organize your company to earn in the seasons.

Come on?

How to prepare your business for commemorative dates?

To prepare your business for the commemorative dates, first, it is necessary to know which are the special days. That way, you can get organized early enough to make a good campaign.

Check what they are:

  • New Year;
  • Carnaval;
  • Easter;
  • International Women’s Day;
  • Mothers Day;
  • Valentine’s Day;
  • Father’s Day;
  • Children’s Day;
  • Natal.

In addition to the traditional commemorative dates, there are others that can be used by commerce to leverage sales. Although they are not so common when it comes to shopping, they serve as campaign themes that draw the attention of certain consumer profiles.


Take advantage of dates related to the company’s niche

As you have seen, there are seasonal dates that can be used to create campaigns to boost sales. For example, a comic book and collectibles store can benefit from Nerd Pride Day to craft a special promotion.

Therefore, it is worth researching the seasons that most relate to your business. In this way, it is possible to organize promotions that attract more customers.

prepare the stock for business for commemorative dates

Stock preparation is essential for commemorative dates. After all, your company can have a drop in reputation if you offer products but don’t have enough inventory to meet demand.

In addition, there is no point in putting together a sales marketing strategy if there are no products that serve consumers. Therefore, in order not to waste the opportunities that these seasons bring, schedule yourself to renew the stock.

Build a differentiated campaign

The campaigns of the commemorative dates do not need – and should not – all be the same. It is necessary to have a differential to draw the attention of consumers in the face of competition. This is possible with good research work to gain insights.

It is worth seeking inspiration and understanding what your audience is looking for, researching references and transforming them into campaigns that relate to your brand. But be careful that they are not copies of the shares of other companies.

Create promotions for business for commemorative dates

In addition to campaigns, it is interesting to carry out promotions, placing lower prices or better conditions on the purchase – such as buy 1 take 2 or greater interest-free installments. This helps to attract customers and can encourage sales due to the differentials offered.

There is yet another advantage: you can get rid of products that have been sitting in stock for a long time, taking up space. They can be offered with unmissable discounts or in combos with other items in greater demand.

Bet on social networks

Social networks are great tools for publicity and relationship with the consumer. When preparing for an anniversary, don’t forget to pay special attention to personalizing them.

It is interesting that you work on the layout of the photos, videos and posts on top of the commemorative campaign. For example, when preparing for Christmas, have a plan to post Christmas-related content on your business’s Instagram.

Hire temporary staff

It is very common that on more traditional commemorative dates, such as Christmas and Mother’s Day, sales increase exponentially. The flow of customers is intense and you will probably need more collaborators.

Therefore, it is important to include the hiring of staff in your campaign planning so that the company has time to select temporary employees. In addition, it is essential to provide training for newbies.

Promote quality care

Seasonal sales are great opportunities to win and retain customers. For this reason, it is very important to promote quality service. After all, when the consumer is well served, the tendency is to return to the store.

In this way, when preparing for a commemorative date, gather employees and reinforce the importance of providing good service. To this end, the company can also promote training and workshops aimed at serving the public.

Create an agenda for anniversaries

Finally, create an agenda for the commemorative dates. It is common for the company’s usual calendar to have several tasks, which can make special dates go unnoticed. If this happens, you will miss out on all the opportunities these periods bring.

To avoid this problem, here’s how to create the schedule:

90 Days: Purchasing Goods and Managing Inventory

The purchase of goods must be made at least 90 days in advance of the main commemorative dates. This is because the products must already be available in greater quantity between 30 and 60 days from the special date.

Therefore, it is not uncommon to see Panettone in supermarkets from September onwards or Easter eggs right after Carnival, for example. In this way, write down in your calendar the period in which you should shop and manage stock for each occasion.

60 Days: establishing marketing actions

2 months in advance, you must gather the team to assemble the company’s marketing campaign. Be sure to consider the tips we gave you about references and taking advantage of the seasonal dates that are most related to your business to create identification with the public.

30 Days: disclosing the offers

When the 30 days before the date approaches, it is time to start publishing the offers. At this point, all the marketing material – both physical and digital – should be ready to be released and start to attract the public.

As you have seen, commemorative dates are opportunities to increase revenue and attract and retain customers. For this reason, they deserve special planning so that your company can get the best out of these seasons.

For more interesting and informative content visit our blog.

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How to manage your company’s risks? https://whilestudying.com/how-to-manage-your-companys-risks/ Fri, 12 Aug 2022 13:52:27 +0000 https://whilestudying.com/?p=2831 Before understanding what risk management and How to manage your company’s risks? is, it is important to know what risk

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Before understanding what risk management and How to manage your company’s risks? is, it is important to know what risk is, exactly. According to ISO 9000, the risk is the effect of uncertainty and can be positive or negative. Thus, when talking about risks in a company, it refers to effects with negative impacts.

In practice, risk management is a process that aims to prepare the organization for the unexpected, identifying threats before they happen to manage your company’s risks. The idea is to prevent them from materializing or to solve the problem more quickly. For this, it is necessary to identify, assess and control risks.

Thus, this strategy is essential to avoid losses in the most diverse areas of the company. This is because threats can arise from a variety of factors, such as strategic management errors, legal liabilities, natural disasters, etc.

In addition, risk management allows a company—no matter its size—to better deal with unforeseen risk. After all, the business will develop greater problem-solving skills and find opportunities to improve processes to achieve its goals.

Types of risk

Now that you know what risk management is, it is interesting to understand what types of risk a company can suffer. Look:

  • compliance risk: refers to loss of documentation, insertion of new rules;
  • strategic risk: related to topics such as political scenarios, a new competitors in the market;
  • financial risk: involves issues such as indebtedness, customer default, interest rate increase;
  • environmental risk: relates to natural disasters;
  • cyber risks: deals with issues such as hacker attacks, and cyber fraud;
  • operational risks: related to problems that compromise or can generate rework by employees, such as equipment breakdown;
  • risks in the work environment: referring to issues such as exposure to toxic substances, extreme temperatures, etc.

How important is this strategy to manage your company’s risks?

You already understand how to manage your company’s risks. Therefore, it is interesting to discover the importance of this strategy. To facilitate understanding, imagine a city that suffers from recurring floods.

So, the buildings started to be constructed in order to reduce the damages in case of a new flood. At the same time, the city hall structures project to prevent occurrences. This measure is a strategy that makes up risk management.

The same principle can be applied in the business world. By identifying threats and taking steps to avoid them, your company is able to face adverse situations in the best possible way.

In the case of financial risks, for example, proper management can avoid fines, debts, waste, and the wrong contracting of credit lines. Therefore, risk management prevents losses that affect the financial health of the business.

How to manage your company’s risks?

After understanding what risk management is and what it is for, as well as the types of risks, it is time to understand how to apply this strategy in your company. Next, check out the necessary steps!

Identify the risks

First, it is important to identify the risks in order to have data that allow us to draw up the management plan. As risks can vary from company to company, this identification must be made from a deep knowledge of the corporation’s processes.

To this end, you can bring together collaborators from all areas to point out the problems in their departments. In this way, it is possible to list threats and identify points that might not be noticed by managers.

Do qualitative analysis

After identifying the risks, it is important to make a qualitative analysis of what was perceived. In it, you organize the threats according to their relevance and impacts on the functioning of the business, in addition to the probability of them materializing.

Perform quantitative analysis

The next step is to perform a quantitative analysis. In this step, you must numerically classify the effects of each risk identified so far. In this way, you will be able to see the situations that may occur, if the threat is consummated.

Establish risk responses

Once the qualitative and quantitative analyzes have been carried out, it is time to plan and implement risk responses. That is, to establish the possible solutions for each identified threat. In this case, the hierarchy must also be considered.

This means that the determination of strategies for each problem must start with the most urgent risks. In this step, the actions must also be put into practice as planned, considering the company’s budget.

Monitor risks and actions

With the plan in place, it is time to monitor the risks and the execution of activities to minimize the threats. This step is important for you to monitor whether the established solutions are efficient. If not, you can make adjustments to the strategies.

What tools can help with risk management?

You have seen that risk management is essential for the smooth running of the company. To put it into practice, it is possible to use tools to make the process more agile.

Check out the main ones!

What If

The term “What If” means “what if”. The method consists of assuming all the potential risks of the company and their causes. It is made from meetings with employees in which hypotheses arise based on the question “what if?”.

In this way, it is possible to imagine different problems and solutions for each one of them, based on different scenarios.

Process Failure Mode and Effective Analysis (PFMEA)

Translated as Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, this tool helps to identify and judge the chances of errors, based on cause and effect situations.

In addition, it points out the consequences and suggests actions that can minimize the realization of risks. The PFMEA is also able to tell the probability of occurrence.

Do you understand how risk management is an important strategy for the company? By adopting it, it is possible to foresee threats and put actions into practice that can minimize risks and improve business results.

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