Career Planning Archives - While Studying Learning Beyond the Classroom Sat, 25 Mar 2023 09:25:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Career Planning Archives - While Studying 32 32 The Do’s and Don’ts of Your First Job Interview Wed, 22 Mar 2023 23:42:35 +0000 The first job interview can be a nerve-wracking experience for anyone, especially for students just starting their careers. However, proper

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The first job interview can be a nerve-wracking experience for anyone, especially for students just starting their careers. However, proper preparation and mindset can also be an excellent opportunity to make a positive impression and land your dream job. This article will discuss the dos and don’ts of your first job interview, with specific advice for students.

Don’ts of Your First Job Interview

1. Don’t Show Up Early, But Not Too Early.

This may sound WRONG. You may have heard that you must arrive early. But arrive too early and you are bound to make the wrong impression. Leave some good enough time to get there on time based on your location and traffic situation. Still, if you are more than 15 minutes early, you know you must find a Starbucks to kill some more time before showing up. Being five to ten minutes early is the sweet spot.

While being punctual is essential, showing up too early can be counterproductive. Arriving too early can make you seem overly eager or even desperate for the job, which can be a turn-off for employers. Aiming to arrive 5-10 minutes before the interview starts is best. This gives you enough time to check in with the receptionist, take a deep breath, and compose yourself before meeting the interviewer.

2. Don’t Condescend To The Receptionist First Job Interview

The receptionist or administrative assistant is often the first person you will encounter when you arrive for your interview. It’s important to treat them with respect and professionalism, as they are often the gatekeepers to the rest of the company. The interviewer may also ask them for their impressions of you, so be sure to make a positive impression on them.

3. Don’t Badmouth Your Former Colleagues.

Even if you had a difficult or unpleasant experience in your previous job, it’s important to refrain from speaking negatively about your former employer, supervisors, or coworkers. This can make you seem petty or unprofessional and may raise concerns about your ability to work effectively with others. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of your previous experiences and what you learned from them.

4. Don’t Be Unprepared First Job Interview

Research the company and know what they do. Have a general idea of the duties of the position you’re applying for. It’s important to do your homework before the interview. This includes researching the company, understanding what they do, and familiarizing yourself with the job description and requirements for the position you’re applying for. This shows the interviewer that you are serious about the job and have taken the time to prepare.

5. Don’t Ask Questions About Salary Or Benefits.

While it’s natural to be curious about the compensation package for the job, it’s best to avoid asking about salary and benefits unless the interviewer brings it up first. This is because discussing compensation too early in the process can give the impression that you are more interested in the money than in the job itself.

Instead, focus on discussing your qualifications and how you can contribute to the company’s success.

6. Don’t Treat The Interviewer As A Friend.

You might be tempted to assume that just because the interviewer is casual with you, they are your friend and you can let your guard down and treat them as your neighborly buddy. It’s important to remember that a job interview is a professional interaction, and you should maintain a level of formality and respect throughout the conversation.

Even if the interviewer seems friendly and approachable, it’s important to avoid letting your guard down and treating them as a friend or peer.

Dos of Your First Job Interview

1. Do Dress Appropriately

First impressions matter, and what you wear can significantly affect the interviewer’s perception of you. As a general rule, it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed. For any office job, wear a suit. Women do not wear anything eye-catching. Earrings, for example, should be studs or small hoops only. Men, wear a tie and ensure that your shirt is tucked in.

Make sure that your clothes are clean and ironed. A neat and professional appearance indicates that you respect the interviewer and are taking the interview seriously.

2. Do Bring Two Clean Copies Of Your Resume

Yes, they already have copies of your resume, but do it anyway. Bring two clean copies of your resume with you to the interview. In case the interviewer forgets to bring a copy of your resume or you’re being interviewed by more than one person, it’s always good to have a backup. Also, keep in mind that bringing extra copies shows that you’re prepared and attentive to detail, which is an excellent quality for any job.

3. Do Invest In A Nice Folder Or Portfolio

Invest in a nice folder or portfolio with a notepad in it to bring with you to interviews. Make sure you have a pen. Take notes. Jot down any follow-up questions you have while the interviewer is speaking. This way, you don’t interrupt them, but you don’t forget either. Additionally, taking notes shows that you are interested in the job and are taking the interview seriously.

4. Do Be Prepared With Specific And Relevant Questions

The interviewer will usually end the interview by asking if you have any questions. This is an opportunity to show that you have researched the company and the job and that you’re genuinely interested in the position. Prepare a few questions in advance that are specific and relevant to the job and the company. For example, ask about the company culture, career growth opportunities, or specific job responsibilities. Having thoughtful and insightful questions to ask the interviewer can help you stand out from other candidates.

5. Do Expect To Do About 75% Of The Talking in First Job Interview

The interview is your chance to showcase your skills and experience, so be prepared to do most of the talking. The interviewer will likely ask you a series of questions about your work experience, skills, and qualifications. Make sure you have examples of your work experience that you can discuss in detail. It’s essential to answer the interviewer’s questions concisely and with enthusiasm and listen actively to what the interviewer is saying. Engage in a conversation, be bold, and ask follow-up questions or for clarification.

6. Do Keep Your Composure, Sit Still, And Pay Attention

During the interview, maintain a calm and collected demeanor. Sit still, keep your hands on your lap, and pay attention to what the interviewer is saying. Don’t fidget, slouch, or cross your arms. Maintain eye contact but do just what is necessary. Also, ensure that you are well-rested before the interview, so you appear energized and energized. The interviewer wants to see that you can handle the pressure of the job and remain composed even in stressful situations.


Your first job interview is an opportunity to make a great first impression on a potential employer. It’s crucial to come prepared, act professionally, and avoid common mistakes that could harm your chances of getting the job. Remember that the interviewer is looking for a personality match in addition to job qualifications, so be sure to present yourself in the best possible light. You can demonstrate your competence, enthusiasm, and professionalism by following the do’s and don’ts outlined in this article. Use this opportunity to showcase your skills and convince the interviewer that you are the right candidate for the job. With practice and perseverance, you can succeed in your job search and take the first step towards a fulfilling career.

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Find Your Tribe: How to Surround Yourself With the Right Friends in College Wed, 22 Mar 2023 23:38:49 +0000 College is an exciting time of any person’s life, but it can also be a lonely experience if you don’t

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College is an exciting time of any person’s life, but it can also be a lonely experience if you don’t have the right friends. Having the right friends in college can make a lot of difference in the outcome of your stay on campus and professional life and also make your life better in general, even after you graduate So Find Your Tribe with good friends.

As a college student looking to enrich your relationships and add more quality people to your life, navigating the social landscape of college and building meaningful relationships can be challenging. But don’t worry; finding your tribe is possible and essential for your well-being and success.

How to find Your Tribe With the Right Friends in College?

Making friends for most people is a passive activity. They wake up, and they have a bunch of friends with one whom they call a best friend. If you are like the majority of students, you have had both successes and failures going down this route.

But making friends in college is not like basic school. While you cannot conjure friendships or force your way through them, being more intentional about your friends, who you surround yourself with, and how to develop such relationships is crucial for academic, professional, and life success. Having friends who complement your life is a blessing that keeps giving even after a long time has passed.

The mistake most people make concerning friendships is that they leave them to chance. But that is not the best way to approach it, especially if you want purposeful friends. The good news is that, while it isn’t easy, it is simple to make friends, and college is the right place to make some of the best friends you will relate with for the rest of your life.

So, if you are especially feeling lonely as a college student, here are some practical tips to help you get your tribe and create a circle of friends who will always have your back.

How To Surround Yourself With The Right Friends in College

Making friends, quality friends, is not an easy thing to do. But its benefits speak louder than a megaphone. Making friends in college can be divided into two broad areas: meeting people and connecting and building a relationship with them. Meeting people can happen in many different ways, places, and times.

The second step involves selecting a couple of people you meet in step one and deepening those connections. Now, this selection should be based on shared interests, goals, and values. But if you are also looking for a partner, looks may be included. Many people marry their college partners, and things turn out great. So, you could be that lucky! Next is a detailed look at each of the two stages.

Finding Avenues to Make Friends

As a college student, making friends is an important part of the experience. While it can be daunting to navigate the vast expanse of a college campus and find your tribe, there are plenty of places and opportunities to make friends. From student organizations to dorm life, there are endless ways to connect with like-minded individuals and build relationships that will last a lifetime.

One of the best places to make friends on campus is through joining student organizations. Whether it’s a club centered around a specific interest, a cultural group, or a volunteer organization, there are numerous opportunities to meet people who share your passions and values. These organizations often hold regular meetings, events, and social gatherings, providing ample opportunities to get to know other members and form lasting connections.

Another great way to make friends in college is through dorm life. Living in a dorm provides a built-in community of peers who are also navigating the college experience. From communal spaces like lounges and kitchens to organized events like movie nights and game tournaments, dorms offer plenty of opportunities to connect with fellow students and form friendships that can last throughout your college career and beyond.

If you’re looking for a more structured way to make friends, consider signing up for a class or workshop that interests you. Not only will you put yourself in the position to learn something new, but you’ll also be surrounded by other students who share your interests. This provides a natural way to start conversations and build relationships with people you might not have otherwise crossed paths with.

Don’t be scared

Finally, don’t be scared to put yourself out there and approach people who you think you might get along with. Whether it’s striking up a conversation in the dining hall, joining a pick-up game of basketball, or simply introducing yourself to the person sitting next to you in class, taking the initiative to connect with others can lead to some of the most meaningful friendships of your college experience.

In conclusion, college campuses are filled with opportunities to make friends and build meaningful relationships. Whether it’s through student organizations, dorm life, classes, or simply approaching people you think you might connect with, there are endless ways to find your tribe and create a sense of community during your college years. So get out there, take risks, and make the most of your college experience by forging connections that will last a lifetime!

Find Your Tribe and Create a Lasting Bond Building

The first step is to go out and explore your campus. Find clubs, organizations, and events that interest you. These are great places to meet like-minded people who share your passions and hobbies. Try attending social events, joining intramural sports teams, or participating in volunteer opportunities. These settings provide a relaxed and fun environment to meet new people.

Once you’ve met some people, it’s important to cultivate those relationships. The best and simple way to do this is to spend quality time with each person one-on-one. Going out in a group is fun, but it can be challenging to have deep and meaningful conversations. Suggesting a coffee date or a low-key activity is a sure effective way to get to know someone better. By spending time together, you’ll have the chance to open up and connect on a deeper level.

It’s important to remember to keep things casual at first, especially if you’re more introverted. Start by focusing on cultivating one or two relationships at a time. This allows you to build strong connections without feeling overwhelmed. Messaging someone and suggesting a coffee or a cheap lunch is a great way to get the ball rolling.

If things are going well, you may be ready to take your friendship to the next level. This is where vulnerability comes in. The key to deepening a friendship is to be open and honest with each other. Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Be willing to listen and offer support when needed. By showing vulnerability, you create a safe space for your friends to do the same.

To maintain your friendships, make sure to stay in touch and do things together regularly. This may take effort, especially when life gets busy, but investing in your friendships is important. Plan regular hangouts or activities that you can do together. Keep each other updated on what’s going on in your lives.

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5 Tips For Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle in College Wed, 22 Mar 2023 23:36:04 +0000 Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle in College is very important. Eat a healthy balanced diet, exercise, have a social life, and

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Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle in College is very important. Eat a healthy balanced diet, exercise, have a social life, and manage your stress proactively. These are some of the most typical advice you would ever get when you ask: How do I stay healthy while in college? These are correct. But they are also things you already know. It only takes being in college before you are supposed to pay attention to what you eat when you eat, and who you hang around.

College is an academic community full of young, vibrant people just like you. It is a place of learning designed to help you achieve academic success, potentially leading you into a successful professional career. Now that we know what college represents in your life let’s get into how to stay healthy and functional so that you can achieve the best grades possible for that glowing career that you yearn so much for.

Staying healthy boils down to sticking to the fundamentals. Yep! That is the secret. Growing up, you picked up a lot of health tips. You may have concluded that the majority of them don’t work and that you are better off feeding off the junk and managing your health.

But instead of managing your health, you could be ahead of the curve, warding off any signs and symptoms, living your best life, and crossing off your goals one by one. Staying healthy is boring. Drinking enough water every day is dull. Taking walks could be boring. Going for regular health checks is definitely boring. But these little habits ensure that you are healthy and never unwell.

Here are my top 5 tips for staying healthy as a college student.

5 Tips For Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle in College

1. Know Yourself

Taking care of yourself requires more than just following popular advice and hoping it works for you. If you have ever tried to lose weight, you know it doesn’t always work for everyone, and it helps to try to lose weight based on your body and how it responds to the various weight loss methods.

In a similar adaptation, your overall is yours to deal with, and no one can do it for you. But that is fine because staying healthy requires knowing yourself intimately. Working on understanding yourself, your motivations, your habits, your subconscious thoughts, and your general behavior has an impact on how you seek to help yourself stay healthy.

Being self-conscious will help you to foster healthy relationships with yourself and others, understand your body, what foods you enjoy but need to stop eating, what kinds of exercises feel good for you, and many more. Knowing yourself ranks number one and should be an active pursuit to understand your inner self, master your inner child and embrace the responsible adult. Listen to what your body says.

If you are tired, don’t take the 4th cup of coffee, hoping it will make things better. The only true cure for tiredness is sleep. Hungry? Eat! Knowing yourself, listening to your body, and obeying the instructions your body gives is a sure way to stay healthy.

2. Follow a Routine

When you have a good idea of yourself, it becomes easier to manage your day. You know which hours of the day are suitable for studying, which hours you need rest, and when you can have fun. It’s all about balance when creating a routine that works.

Creating a routine the first time and getting it right will be super-difficult. But that is fine. As long as you keep iterating and moving things around till you get the perfect routine for yourself, you should do good.

There are several considerations when creating a weekly routine, depending on your specific goals and priorities. However, some of the most essential aspects are:

Prioritizing important tasks: Make sure to prioritize the most important tasks for the week and schedule them to enable you to complete them efficiently. These include work deadlines, personal goals, or other commitments.

Time management: Allocate your time effectively to balance work, rest, and leisure activities. Create a schedule that allows you to focus on your priorities while ensuring enough time for self-care and relaxation.

Exercise and physical activity: Incorporate regular exercise or physical activity into your weekly routine. This can help you to stay healthy, reduce stress, and boost your energy levels.

Self-care: Make time for self-care activities such as meditation, reading, or spending time in nature. Taking care of your mind and emotional wellbeing is crucial for your overall health and productivity.

Social connections: Schedule time for social connections with friends and family in person or virtually. These connections can help to provide support and boost your mood.

Learning and personal growth: Incorporate time for learning and personal growth activities, such as reading, taking a course, or practicing a new skill. This helps keep your mind engaged and boost your confidence.

Remember, everyone’s priorities and goals will be different, so it’s important to tailor your weekly routine to your individual needs and preferences.

3. Get Enough Sleep to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle in College

Your routine may be done, your calendar set, but your body fails because your inner calendar, which is regulated by your daily exposure to sleep and the sun, may fail. Getting some sun in the early hours of the day is a great way to truly wake up, set your inner clock and feel energized for the day.

Sleep may seem like a simple thing; you sleep when you are sleepy right?! But it’s more complicated, and there are lots of research papers on the best practices when it comes to sleep.

The best sleep advice is to establish and maintain a regular sleep routine. Here are some tips for achieving this:

Stick to a consistent sleep routine/schedule: make sure you sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, because consistency matters in maintaining an inner clock.

Create a relaxing room for sleep: Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool, and use comfortable bedding and pillows.

Avoid stimulating activities before bed: Avoid using electronic devices, watching TV, or engaging in other stimulating activities before bedtime, as these can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.

Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption: Avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime, as these can disrupt sleep.

Get regular exercise: Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality, but avoid exercising too close to bedtime, as this can be stimulating.

Practice relaxation techniques: such as meditation, muscle relaxation, or deep breathing, can help to calm the mind and prepare the body for sleep.

Seek help if you have persistent sleep problems: If you have persistent sleep problems, such as insomnia or sleep apnea, seek help from a healthcare provider or sleep specialist.

By following these tips, you can establish a regular sleep routine that promotes healthy sleep and improves your overall health and wellbeing.

4. Volunteer

Volunteering is one sure way to stay healthy as a student. This may sound strange. What has volunteering got to do with staying healthy?

Depending on the organization you volunteer for, the activities, and how involved you are, your volunteering role could help you achieve most of the requirements needed to stay healthy. Exposing yourself to the sun early in the morning, getting some exercise, and many more…

Volunteering can have many positive effects on both your physical and mental health as a college student. Here are some ways in which volunteering can help you stay healthy:

Boosts mood: Volunteering can help boost your mood and reduce stress levels. Engaging in activities that you find meaningful and fulfilling can provide a sense of purpose and achievement.

Increases social connections: Volunteering can help you to build social connections and create a sense of community. This can be especially helpful for college students who may feel alone or disconnected from others.

Improves physical health: Volunteering can also have physical health benefits. Physical activity, such as participating in a charity run or cleaning up a park, can improve cardiovascular health and strengthen muscles.

Provides opportunities for learning and personal growth: Volunteering can provide opportunities for learning new skills and gaining experience in areas of interest. This can help you to build your resume and prepare for your future career.

Offers a break from academic stress: Volunteering can provide a welcome break from the stress of academic life. It can also help you to gain perspective and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Volunteering can be an excellent way for college students to stay healthy and engaged. It can provide opportunities for personal growth, social connection, and physical activity, all of which can positively affect your health and wellbeing.

5. Create a Mission to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle in College

Developing a life mission can improve your health as a college student. Having a clear mission can increase your sense of purpose and direction. This can help you feel less overwhelmed and lost, which will lower your stress and anxiety levels. In addition, prioritizing your priorities and making decisions in line with your values can help you live a more fulfilling life and maintain good mental health.

You might be more motivated to look after yourself if you clearly understand what really matters, which could result in better eating, exercising, and self-care habits. A mission can also assist you in better time management, preventing procrastination, and lowering stress. Connecting with people supporting your mission can be crucial to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle in College and general wellbeing. Developing a life mission can result in a happier and more fulfilling college experience.

Health precedes good grades, wealth, and anything in the world. Rich and unhealthy people will give all their wealth to regain good health. While pursuing your best life, ensure you are not busy undoing the good life you are building.

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Practical tips to help students with pet Tue, 21 Mar 2023 17:14:53 +0000 As a student, it can be challenging to balance your academic responsibilities and the needs of your furry friends. However,

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As a student, it can be challenging to balance your academic responsibilities and the needs of your furry friends. However, having a pet can also be a source of comfort, motivation, and stress relief during the demanding college years. The following are some Practical tips to help students with pet to manage your academic workload while ensuring your pets are happy and healthy.

Practical tips to help students with pet

Set a schedule!

One of the most important things you can do for both you and your pet is to create a routine. Establishing a daily routine will help ensure that your pet gets the attention and care they need, while also ensuring that you stay on top of your schoolwork. Set specific times for feeding, exercise, and playtime with your pet, and stick to the schedule as much as possible.

Keep a clean-livingspace!

As a pet owner, it’s essential to maintain a clean-living space. Regular cleaning not only ensures your pet’s health and promotes a positive study environment. Make sure to vacuum regularly, especially if your pet is shedding, and wash your pet’s bedding frequently. Additionally, dispose of any waste immediately and make sure to clean up any messes promptly.

Should you have a roommate, regularly cleaning after your pet can help you to maintain a good relationship. And who knows your roommate may fall in love with your pet and you could get some help.

Moreover, this can contribute to good health for you, your neighbors, and your pet.

Use technology to monitor your pet!

Thanks to advancements in modern technology, it’s now easier than ever to keep an eye on your pets while you’re away. Consider investing in a cost-effective pet camera or a GPS tracker to ensure that your pet is safe and sound while you’re out of the house. This technology can also help you keep track of your pet’s feeding and exercise routine, making it easier to manage your busy schedule.

Amazon, eBay, and Cost Little(Mostly for students in Canada) are some of the places where you could find such devices for an affordable price. The interesting thing is that some of these sites allow for bargains. You can communicate with the sellers.

Another benefit to using mobile technology to monitor your pet is that it gives you peace of mind knowing that your best friend is safe. One less stress can take you a long way to feel better while you focus on your study.

Take advantage of pet-friendly study spaces

Many universities and colleges now offer pet-friendly study spaces, such as outdoor areas or designated pet zones in the library. Take advantage of these spaces to spend time with your pet while still being productive. These areas can also provide a great opportunity to socialize with other pet owners and make new friends.

Consider hiring a pet sitter or dog walker!

As a student, it’s understandable that you may not have the time or resources to provide your pet with the attention and care they deserve. Consider hiring a pet sitter or dog walker to help you manage your pet’s needs while you focus on your studies. These services can be especially helpful during exam periods or when you have a heavy workload.

If the cost of hiring a petter sitter is a cause of concern for you as a student, it will be good to look for other practical ways you could earn money while studying. If you are an international student, this has to be in line with what the law of your country of study permits.  But always remember to stay focused on the things that matter to you.

In conclusion, owning a pet as a student need not be impossible. When managed properly, it can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires careful planning and attention.

By establishing a routine, keeping a clean-living space, using technology to monitor your pet, taking advantage of pet-friendly study spaces, and considering hiring a pet sitter or dog walker, you can successfully manage your academic responsibilities while providing your furry friend with care and attention they need.So, enjoy tips to help students with pets.

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Why do students need sleep and take rest? Tue, 21 Mar 2023 17:12:52 +0000 It will be an understatement to say that the life of a student is very busy. There are papers to

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It will be an understatement to say that the life of a student is very busy. There are papers to write, secular jobs to do, bills to pay, friends to hang out with, and social media to court. All of these are very time-consuming and result in students getting less rest that’ why students need sleep and take rest to perform well in their studies.

However, sleep and rest are essential for students to maintain optimal physical and mental health, as well as to perform well academically. Here are a few reasons why:

There are some reasons why students need sleep and take rest?

Improves Memory and Learning:

Sleep is critical for consolidating memories and retaining information learned during the day. Research suggests that sleep plays a vital role in memory formation and learning.During sleep, the brain processes and consolidates the information learned during the day, which helps to retain it in long-term memory. So, if you have been giving less attention to getting enough sleep, think again. Give the digital world a break.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety:

Lack of sleep can increase stress levels and anxiety, making it difficult to concentrate and focus on tasks. Getting enough sleep can help students feel more relaxed and less anxious.Adequate sleep and rest can help reduce stress levels, which can have a positive impact on students’ mental health and academic performance.

Increases Focus and Concentration:

Sleep deprivation can impair cognitive function, including attention, concentration, and reaction time. Students who get enough sleep are better able to focus on their studies and perform well in exams.Getting enough sleep and rest helps to improve concentration and alertness, which are essential for academic performance. Hence, if getting good grades is essential to you, then go to bed!!

Boosts Immune System:

Sleep is also essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, which can help students stay healthy and avoid missing school due to illness.

Promotes Physical Health:

Rest is essential for physical health, allowing the body to repair and regenerate cells and tissues. Getting enough rest can help students feel energized and ready to face the demands of their day. Additionally, Sleep and rest are crucial for physical health and can help reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and other health problems.

Emotional regulation:

Lack of sleep and rest can lead to irritability, mood swings, and emotional instability, which can affect students’ relationships with peers and teachers.

In summary, mommy and daddy knew from experience. When they told you to go to bed early. Getting enough sleep and rest is vital for students to perform well academically, maintain good physical and mental health, and manage stress effectively. Moreover, this can enable students to cultivate and maintain healthy relationships on and outside of campus.  Is the bed calling you?

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The benefits and challenges of studying abroad Tue, 21 Mar 2023 17:10:19 +0000 Are you considering studying abroad? Do your school offer opportunities to allow you to study in a foreign country? Studying

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Are you considering studying abroad? Do your school offer opportunities to allow you to study in a foreign country? Studying abroad can be an incredible experience that offers a wealth of benefits. However, it can also present several challenges. Here are some of the most important benefits and challenges of studying abroad that students do well to consider:

Benefits of studying abroad:

  1. Cultural immersion: It allows you to fully immerse yourself in another culture. You can learn about the customs, traditions, and values of the local people, and gain a better understanding of how they live.
  2. Language acquisition: Studying abroad provides an opportunity to learn and practice a new language. Being surrounded by native speakers can help you improve your language skills rapidly.
  3. Personal growth: Studying abroad can help you develop independence, confidence, and resilience. You’will face challenges and  get experiences that will help you grow as a person.
  4. Academic enrichment: Studying abroad can provide access to new academic programs and courses that may not be available in your home country. You may also work with world-renowned professors and researchers.
  5. Career opportunities: Studying abroad can enhance your career prospects by providing you with international experience, language skills, and a global network.

Challenges of study in abroad:

  1. Cultural adjustment: Adjusting to a new culture can be challenging. You may experience culture shock, homesickness, or difficulty adapting to the new environment.
  2. Language barriers: If you are not fluent in the local language, communication can be difficult, and you may feel isolated. But it still helps to learn a few words in the new language. People appreciate it when you make the effort to learn a few words in their language and they will be patient with you and even teach you.
  3. Financial strain: Studying abroad can be expensive, and you may need to find ways to fund your education and living expenses.
  4. Academic differences: The academic system in your host country may be different from what you are used to, which can be challenging to adjust to.
  5. Social integration: Making new friends and building a social network in a new country can be difficult, particularly if there are language or cultural barriers.
  6. Health: Even though generally most places are safe, important to know certain diseases are specific to certain areas. The rapid spread of COVID indicates the need to limit our travel during those times. Based on the climate of the country you would be studying in; your help concern may be different.

In tropical countries, you could be exposed to Malaria, Hepatitis B (this can also be in colder temperatures as well), and diarrhea. In colder climates, there could be seasonal fluid. Most students coming from warmer countries don’t know that due to less sun in colder countries. They get less vitamin d which they get in abundance from the sun in their home countries. So. It is critical to do your homework on the country. You will be studying in and talk to a medical doctor.

Overall, studying abroad can be an incredibly rewarding experience that offers many benefits, but it also requires a lot of preparation, planning, and adjustment.

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How to Impress Your Boss at Your Internship Wed, 15 Mar 2023 15:20:45 +0000 Do you want to impress your boss? Being an intern can be one of the most confusing phases of your

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Do you want to impress your boss? Being an intern can be one of the most confusing phases of your education journey. A successful internship is a critical aspect of education.

Depending on how it goes, your future could be laid out in front of you in the company of your dreams. But the reverse is also possible if you do not master the art and science of impressing your boss, his boss, and everyone at the company. Yes, you read that right—everyone at the company.

So, if you are about to take an internship and wondering how to impress your boss, know that it starts with you, not your boss, your school or anyone else.

You want to take control of your internship to get the best out of it. The truth about an internship and impressing your boss is that it doesn’t matter if you intend to work there after the internship. It is about you and just how much experience, skills and reputation you can build.

Interns are often observed by their bosses and almost everyone at the company. That many eyes on you may not be something you notice, but they do see what you do. Depending on your attitude, that may be good or bad (hopefully good!). Another truth is that the work assigned to you as an intern will most likely be inconsequential to the company’s business objectives.

Regardless of the work you are given, you want to take the words of Dr Martin Luther King to heart.

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper. He should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” – Dr Martin Luther King.

10 Tips To Impress Your Boss at Your Internship

1. The rules are simple!

Internships can be uncomfortable for first-timers. Even so for some who have already had internships. This is often caused by your thinking that there are some rules to follow. You may not have the pleasure of being told what to do but know that the rules are no different. But simple. Show up on time, leave late, do work you and your parents will proud of, communicate with people and form relationships, stay away from internal politics, and never gossip. These are about the best rules out there. The rest is for exploring and discovering how much value you can add to the organization.

2. Exude Enthusiasm

No one loves a downer. Being an intern means sometimes doing work for people other than your boss. Your activity in and around the company should show a certain level of Enthusiasm for the company, its problems, and the solutions to those problems. In most cases, as an intern, that involves simply being available, helping out as much as you can, and communicating. Make it a point to be cheerful about what you do and be friendly to everyone, even the janitor!

3. Eat Lunch with People.

As an intern, you want to be seen and heard, and your impact at the company is experienced. Let them miss you when you finally go back to school. That means a lot of things. But sit with people to enjoy your lunch and have decent conversations around ideas (not people!). Introduce yourself and ensure they remember your name even if they never meet you at the eatery again.

4. Demonstrate Initiative

Some interns need clarification when they arrive at their dream company but get to do next to nothing because they weren’t assigned any tasks or responsibilities. As an intern, most organizations won’t have a clearcut set of roles and responsibilities. They will only give a permanent job to an intern who will be around for a few months. That may be challenging for your boss and yourself because there isn’t an official bible to follow.

In such a case, make things easier for your boss. Look at what they are already doing and identify what you can do to ease the burden of their work. That may involve getting them coffee, so they save time getting it. But it could also mean making their presentations for them, helping them write memos and documents, and the many other things they do. Find what you are skilled in or can quickly learn, and pitch the idea. Keep doing that until you have a set of things you can come in every day to do as an intern.

5. Demonstrate Independence

Taking ownership of what you are tasked with is a sign of competence. Most bosses look for such quality in everyone they work with. It means they don’t have to worry about your delivery. They know you will! Take on projects and do them faster. If you can finish them in 2 days, use less than four or even five days. Pose as your project manager, and ask yourself what a project manager would expect.

Do that. You may hit a snag or need help understanding things; asking for help is understandable. That demonstrates an even better quality, interdependence. An organization doesn’t work because of one person; it works because many people help each other to achieve big things. Get involved. But take it with a grain of salt; seek help only when necessary. Your job is to make life easy for your boss, not be a bottleneck when given projects wasting both your working hours.

6. Ask Questions Out of Passion and Genuine Curiosity

Nothing brightens your boss’ day better than showing genuine passion and curiosity about how you can help the organization. Think beyond your department. Think higher and ask big questions about the organization and its goals.

7. Dress Well to Impress Your Boss

Do you get it? You do!

8. Impress Your Boss with the Help of Other Interns

If you work in a large organization with other interns. You want to be seen working with and helping other interns. It shows your collaborative spirit. You want to avoid posing as a lone ranger who works in the shadows and never helps anyone. Do this, and your boss will not only impress but see you as a keeper and that it will be a mistake not to get you into the company after school.

9. Assess the Company for Their First Impression of You

While you are busy trying to make your boss smile and have a good day, you also want to see if the company fits. Are they a good fit for you? What is your first impression of the company as a whole? What is their work culture? Does it match your career goals and what you seek in an organization? You can keep a pros and cons list for more intentional about your work and future there.

10. Take Feedback Seriously to Impress Your Boss

Your primary role as an intern is to learn, build experiences and acquire skills while being helpful to the organization. No one expects you to do what the best person in the company can’t do (although that would get you in the door faster). But they expect someone who listens, takes their work seriously, and improves. Learning is critical to career and upward mobility. No one learns it all in school, and you will find yourself lacking in many areas because the industry has moved past what is taught in schools.

Didn’t Get an Offer?

Sometimes an internship goes wrong because things take time. Perhaps the time was not right.

  • Don’t take things personally.
  • Collect as much feedback as you can to help you improve!
  • It’s okay to cry but pick yourself up and build your motivation (and self-esteem) levels back up.
  • And never give up! Never!


If you keep going long enough, you will win. It’s just how things work. Keep improving.

“If you hang around the barbershop long enough, sooner or later you’re going to get a haircut” – Denzel Washington

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